The 4th WISE Workshop is kindly hosted by Nikhef!

When and where

27 Mar, 13:00 - 29 Mar, 13:00, 2017 


Nikhef, Science Park 105, 1098 XG, Amsterdam. There are direct train connections from Schiphol Amsterdam Airport (30 min, 4 times per hour). For travel information and directions:

To use public transport, you can buy the all-in-one Amsterdam Travel Ticket (multi-lingual page) (1 day: €15, 3 days: €25, both including the trip from the airport) or use regular public transport chipcard ("OV Chipkaart") options. Remember to always check in and check out again when using public transport in the Netherlands.

Amsterdam has plenty of accommodation, both in the centre and close to Nikhef and the Science Park. Some suggestions can be found on the Map and can be booked either directly or through a booking agency such as

SessionsRoomsOccupancyVideo link (Vidyo courtesy of CERN)
Plenaries and SCIV2-WGH3.3150
LunchesSpectrum (ground floor)35 


We welcome you to Nikhef at 12:00 with a lunch served in the Spectrum room on the ground floor. Please join us for lunch!

You can arrive earlier if you want, the Spectrum room (ground floor) is available for you to sit, work, and connect. eduroam networking is available. If you need a guest account, send a mail to <> with a mobile (SMS capable) phone number.

Registration & Participants List 


The Tuesday is dedicated to Working Group parallel Sessions. Take a look at the Working Group descriptions on our website to decide where you would like to spend your time:

Monday 27

12:00 - 13:00Registrations, Lunch (Room: Spectrum, ground floor)
13:00Welcome and WISE Overview (Room: H3.31 and
13:20SBOD WG Overview, Ralph, Slides
13:40SCIv2 WG Overview, Dave, Slides
14:00STAA WG Overview, Alf, Slides
14:20RAW WG Overview, Urpo, Slides
14:40Coffee Break
15:00Venom Case, Romain (Room: H3.31) TLP:RED, no Vidyo Link
15:20Accounting Data Protection, Uros
15:40Software Assurance, Rob
16:00Incident Response for Identity Federations, Hannah
16:20Coffee Break
16:30SIG-ISM & CEO Forum Update, Alf (Room: H3.31)
16:50RIPE NCC Tools, Ivo
19:00Dinner at Instock Amsterdam
Tuesday 28

09:00 - 12:00

Working Group Sessions

The WISE working groups will use the Tuesday sessions for all day working group meetings. 
The aims of each session are shown below.  Attendees are invited to sign-up for each session
to help us judge room requirements.  

  • STAA Working Group Session (H3.31)
  • SCIv2 Working Group Session (H3.20)
  • RAW Working Group Session (H1.28)
12:00 - 13:00Lunch (Spectrum, ground floor)
13:00 - 17:30

WG Sessions continued

The WISE working groups will use the Tuesday sessions for all day working group meetings. 
The aims of each session are shown below.  Attendees are invited to sign-up for each session
to help us judge room requirements. 

  • STAA Working Group Session.
  • SCIv2 Working Group Session.
  • RAW Working Group Session.
Wednesday 29


Progress on Big Data Challenges, Ralph (Room: H3.31)

09:20Threat Reports, Bart
09:40STAA WG Report, Alf
10:00RAW WG Report, Urpo
10:30 - 11:00Coffee Break and Photo
11:00SCIv2 WG Report, Dave
11:30Next steps and Closing, Photo
12:00 - 16:00Steering Committee Session (Room: H2.20)

Working Group Sessions

STAA Working Group Session.

Over the last year the workgroup STAA has been collecting references to existing training and awareness programs. Part of the goals of this working group is to set up a guidance for a training and awareness program. The aim is to make a first version of this guidance during the workshop in Amsterdam. It must identify target groups, their training and awareness needs, and identify initial and recurring training and awareness activities. Where possible there can be references in this guidance to existing training and awareness programs. We might also discover blank spots where no training is yet available, training material is outdated or in a difficult to use format (like materials in non-english language).

SCIv2 Working Group Session.

The aim of the SCIv2-WG full day at the workshop will be to produce a close-to-final Version 2 of the SCI document together with a draft (perhaps not quite so final) version of the accompanying guidance document. We will also discuss/agree what Endorsement/Acceptance by the various Infrastructures means as we work towards a signing ceremony with at least some Infrastructures at TNC17 in Linz.

RAW Working Group Session.

The aim of the RAW-WG full day at the workshop will be to produce a first draft of the risk management template to be shared among sites and infrastructures.

More information about WISE: