
This Programme is updated for 2016 in the Learning & Development Portfolio. It meets needs outlined in the GN4 Strategy 2014-2020 to develop human capital through ‘providing training in the management of geographically distributed teams’ and ‘sharing best practice amongst partners’, in relation to managing people, running effective team meetings, managing performance, coaching and motivation.

Programme Aim

To enhance the skills and knowledge of Activity and Task Leaders in order to strengthen the communication and project management within our teams, leading to greater levels of efficiency, effectiveness and motivation. It also aims to build even stronger relationships across the community and encourage a coaching culture and the sharing of best practices in relation to managing people, running effective team meetings, managing performance, coaching and motivation.


Four Groups of 6 people follow a structured programme comprising six events which extends over the period November 2016 to April 2017

In between each event you apply your learnings back into your routine work and complete several learning challenges.
There is an optional 360’ Questionnaire about how Virtual Meetings are perceived in your team/group.

Programme Overview

  • Session 1 (Online, 60 minutes)

  • Session 2 (Face to Face, 2 days)

    • MPiViT Workshop

    • Two day Workshop in Amsterdam

  • Session 3 (Online, 60 minutes)

    • Presentation of slides re learning  & actions from workshop

    • Review meeting against Virtual Meetings Best Practice Guide

  • Session 4 (Online, 60 minutes)

    • Presentation of slides re learning  & actions from Virtual Meetings

    • Review of GROW Model & Coaching Principles

    • Review meeting against Virtual Meetings Best Practice

  • Session 5 (online 60 minutes)

    • Present learnings from Buddy pairs coaching

    • New pairs coach in Meeting Rooms on Adobe Connect

    • Review meeting against Virtual Meetings Best Practice Guide

  • Session 6 (online 60 minutes)

    • Presentation of learning & actions & benefits from MPiViT

Face to Face Workshop (Session 2) Programme

Day 1: 09.00 – 17.30  (Group Dinner in the evening)

Day 2 09.00 – 17.00

Funding to attend Session 2 (Ramada Hotel, Amsterdam)

Please note: As long as you are an official GEANT Project Partner, NA1 T6 (Learning and Development) will cover your travel and accommodation expenses to attend this face to face event. These costs should be claimed through the normal channels in the monthly cost claims, marked as 'NA1T6 MPIVIT' if possible. We cannot cover the manpower (hours) to attend the event, so you should get the agreement of your Activity Leader for this element. The cost indications below are the approximate amounts we have budgeted per person for this, so if you feel you will have an issue with that please contact us.

Hotel: Hotel booking please quote GEANT Amsterdam on your booking to get the preferred room rate €130 per night.

Room can be booked to include the evening before your course date (Groups AB Sunday 20th or Groups CD Tuesday 22nd)

Flight: 250 (return) approx

Session information and registration :

Further Information

GÉANT 4-2 Learning & Development: Managing People & Performance in Virtual Teams Programme (MPiViT) 2016-2017


To meet some of the learning needs of GÉANT, the Learning & Development team was responsible for delivering a Programme called Managing People & Performance in Virtual Teams Programme (MPiViT). The Programme used virtual meetings using Adobe Connect and a workshop to enhance required competences in working virtually and enhancing the performance of people in virtual teams.


The client group was Activity Leaders (ALs) and Task Leaders (TLs).

The Programme used online meetings and a 2 day F2F workshop.

Following MPiViT’s success and useful evaluation data there is now a request to run a similar but enhanced Programme in 2016-2017 for GÉANT 4-2.

L&D are also keen to include in the new version of MPiViT, some of the concepts covered on the Leading High Performing Teams delivered in previous years, which will no longer run.


Managing People and Performance in Virtual Teams (MPiViT) Programme 2016-2017


This updated MPiViT 2016-2017 Programme, meets needs outlined in the GN4 Strategy 2014-2020 to develop human capital through ‘providing training in the management of geographically distributed teams’ and ‘sharing best practice amongst partners’, in relation to managing people, running effective virtual team meetings, managing performance, coaching and motivation.




Relevant, Activity Leaders (AL), Task Leaders (TL) and nominees.


Programme Outcomes
MPiViT aims to enhance your efficiency and effectiveness in delivering project objectives through enhanced:

  • Leadership & management of our task/team members
  • Performance coaching
  • Planning & facilitation of virtual meetings
  • Sharing of best practices in relation to leading & managing people
  • Relationship building across the community


Programme Aim

To enhance your skills and knowledge in leading & managing virtual teams, planning and facilitating virtual meetings, managing performance and encouraging task/team members to play to their strengths and enhance their performance.


Group Structure & Buddy Pairs

4 x groups of 6-7 people, follow the structured Programme.
Groups are referred to as a, b, c & d.


Ideally, people stay in their group but there is flexibility across the groups to accommodate work commitments. 

You will be allocated a buddy during the Amsterdam workshop. 

You and your buddy have virtual conversations together during the Programme.  In these conversations you share learnings, coach and support each other in transferring your learning back to work.


Programme Overview

The Programme comprises:
5 x 1 hour Virtual MPiViT Meetings using Adobe Connect
1 x 2 day Residential Workshop - Amsterdam

3 x 1 hour Buddy Conversations/Coaching sessions

1 x Long-term Evaluation Session 7 TBA

You have the opportunity to add depth to your learning with suggested readings and on line video clips.


Important parts of the Programme are 4 Work Based Assignments (WBA). These involve you applying your learning to real items/tasks from your ‘To Do’ list.
One assignment involves you preparing for a real virtual meeting you are due to run.

Another involves you coaching your buddy and them coaching you in preparation for a coaching session you have with one of your team.

The final assignment involves you preparing a 2 minute PowerPoint presentation about the impact the MPiViT Programme has had on you, your team and the GÉANT project. 


Identification of Learning Needs & Evaluation

Identification of your learning needs takes place during Session 1 - Virtual Meeting.

You are asked to give us informal feedback throughout the Programme.

Immediately after the Amsterdam workshop you are asked to complete an online questionnaire.  

You present what you have learnt, how you have applied it and the benefits for the GÉANT project in Session 6 - Virtual Meeting.

Session 7 - Long-term evaluation will possibly be in September. (TBA)

Programme Overview

Note all times for virtual meetings are UK time.



Email Invitation and registration of 24 Participants



Nov 1/2


a. 10.30-11.30
b. 14.00-15.00


c. 10.30-11.30


Session 1 - Virtual Meeting


Programme pre briefing

Data re VM’s in GÉANT 
VM Best Practice Guide
Overview of Workshop & MBTI

Review meeting against Virtual Meetings Best Practice Guide




Pre workshop reading materials
Completion of MBTI on line


Nov 21/21


Nov 2/24



Session 2 - MPiViT Workshop
Day 1 9.00 -  6.00   Group Dinner at 7.00
Day 2 8.30  - 4.00

(Please ensure that you are able to stay until 4pm close on Day 2. Please note times are local)

 Day 1
Introductions & Contracting

The Fit Between GÉANT Strategy & MPiViT
Learning Review re Virtual Meetings
Principles of High Performance Leadership/Management
MBTI & Teams & Talent


Day 2
Learning Review
Engagement & Motivation
Coaching for High Performance/Achieving Results
Positive State, Language & Constructive Feedback
GROW Coaching
Role of the Buddy Partnerships & Learning Transfer



Online evaluation questionnaire



Jan 2017

Work Based Assignment 1
Preparation of slides re. your learnings & actions from the workshop and how you can/have applied them to real work based situations.



Jan 2017

Buddy Conversation 1
Share prepared slide of learnings & offer each other feedback



Jan 24/25


a. 10.30-11.30
b. 14.00-15.00


c. 10.30-11.30


Session 3 - Virtual Meeting – Learnings & Actions from the Workshop
Check In
Presentation of slides re learning  & actions from workshop

Review meeting against Virtual Meetings Best Practice Guide






Work Based Assignment 2 Part 1
Set up and prepare for a real VM that you need to run

Prepare the plan, slides and other material for that meeting.



Buddy Conversation 2 Using the GROW Model
Run through the prepared meeting and offer each other constructive feedback.



Work Based Assignment 2 Part 2
Facilitate the VM & obtain feedback in relation to VM Best Practice Guide from the attendees.

Prepare 1 slide of your learnings to share on Session 4 – Virtual Meeting


Feb 21/22


a. 10.30-11.30
b. 14.00-15.00


c. 10.30-11.30


Session 4 - Virtual Meeting 3 – Best Practice Virtual Meetings
Check In
Presentation of your slide re learning  & actions from your

Virtual Meeting

Review of GROW Model & Coaching Principles
Briefing for WBA3, Review meeting against Virtual Meetings Best Practice Guide




Work Based Assignment 3 Part 1

Identify one area of concern that involves your needing to enhance the performance of one of your team members you would like to be coached on by your buddy.  Make a few notes about the situation in relation to the G and R of the GROW Model.



Buddy Conversation 3

Coach each other in relation to the situation you identified in WBA 3 Part 1.  Follow the GROW Coaching Model. 

Prepare 1 PowerPoint slide of what you have learnt as a result of the coaching.  This will be presented at Session 5 VM.



Work Based Assignment 3 Part 2

Using your learnings from your session with your buddy, coach your Team Member using the GROW Model.

Prepare 1 PowerPoint slide of your learnings re coaching your team member, for presentation at Session 5 VM.


March 21/22


a. 10.30-11.30
b. 14.00-15.00


c. 10.30-11.30


Session 5 - Virtual Meeting – GROW Coaching


Check In

Present the learnings on 2 slides from your buddy pairs coaching

Review Motivation & MBTI

Learning Review

Review meeting against Virtual Meetings Best Practice Guide



Work Based Assignment 4

Reflect upon and gather feedback on how the learning from the Programme has impacted on you and your team’s performance, engagement etc.  Gather informal feedback from your team members re the difference they have seen.

Prepare 2 slides of what you are doing differently and the benefit to GÉANT and on your team.


April 25/26


a. 10.30-11.30
b. 14.00-15.00


c. 10.30-11.30


Session 6 - Virtual Meeting – Evaluation
Check In
Presentation of 2 slides re learning  & actions & benefits from MPiViT




Evaluation Report



Sept 26/27

(To be Confirmed)

Session 7 – Virtual Meeting 6 at the PMC – MPiViT Group Long Term Evaluation & Celebration (TBD)
Check In
Presentation of slides re long term learning  & actions & benefits from MPiViT





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