Date and time: 15 February 2022, 10:00-12:00 CET

Target audience: EaPConnect NREN staff and participating institutions

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is a large and growing problem within the networking community, with a large number of national research and education network organisations (NRENs) reporting attacks every month. This workshop will introduce EaP NRENs to the DDoS topic and give a technical overview of how attacks are carried out.

This is the second workshop of DDoS. 


Session's recording will be available   

Facilitator: Klaus Möller, DFN-CERT

Workshop Organisers: EaPConnect2, GÉANT GN4-3 WP3 (User/stakeholder engagement) (Leonie Schäfer) 

Further information on this and other DDoS related subjects cn be found in GEANT eAcademy (All/Courses/Technical Skills/Network/Operational Network Security)

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