eduGAIN Federation Development Meeting

Monday 22nd June at 12:30-13:30 CEST via eduGAIN Connect Room



  1. Brook Schofield, GÉANT
  2. Aleksandra Radulovic, MREN
  3. Valentin Pocotilenco, RENAM
  4. Vasko Sazdovski, MARnet


  1. Nadia Sluer, GÉANT
  2. Peter Bogatencov, RENAM

Project Attendance



1 Welcome and Introduction

All the attendees gave an updated on their federation and their goals for this task over the next 11 months. All work will be captured on the wiki page Task 3 - eduGAIN.

2 Clarification of Status

The status of all federations was updated on the federation development page and it will be updated overtime to reflect progress.

3 Current Roadblocks

Policy Documents

A new version of the policy template document was created after LU and SK policy submissions as there were some common errors/corrections required. It is useful to socialise your policy prior to taking it to your wider community/board for approval.

The template is available as PDF and MS Word (.docx).


Some difficulty for RENAM to install jagger (issues surrounded the version of PHP deployed, the Code Igniterversion and messaging system).

Suggested that Vasko and Valentin should work together on installation. Both have kept notes for their deployment and this would be useful information to pass back to the developer as documentation. The website and mailing list are useful starting points. Ultimately we need more developers to contribute to and the first step is to have more people use the product and determine what areas they'd like to see change.

The Jagger developer is also working within the GÉANT community and project.

Making a Jagger VM, Docker image or CHEF/Ansible install recipes could be useful.

IdP software

Many are looking at simpleSAMLphp.Some have also looked at Shibboleth v2 IdP.

There has been a Shibboleth v2 IdP end of life announcement so people should migrate to Shibboleth v3 IdP (this does NOT affect the Shibboleth v2 SP software). The SWITCH Shibboleth v3 guides have been updated for v3. Many federations are looking into this.

RENAM is also trying to define middleware for mobile devices.
MREN supports a single university with a centralised IdP for eduroam purposes (supporting Ministry of Educatino and Ministry of Telecommunication + Montenegran Acadamy of Sciences and National Library of Montenegro). There is a desire to connect private universities.

MARnet is looking at using centralised system for running IdPs. It only stores usernames/passwords for staff - but not students.

Local Publicity for Federations

RENAM had its last disemination event on May 22

Look at using "unlocking collaboration" within MREN and other organisations to promote uptake of the NREN and its services.

TODO: Make the source materials available for translation.

Internet Exchange Points

There was an aside discussion on Internet Exchange points - not related to federation development but one of the activities that NRENs can received support for from the Internet Society (ISOC).

4 Future Communication

Migration to a new email list system will see this action delayed until is available.

5 Any other Business

No other issues were raised at this time.

6 Date of Future Meetings

Next Meeting Monday 6th July 11:00-12:00 CEST.


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