• Please log in into the Perun system and then go to the VOVO Manager section.

  • On the left panel please click on VOSelect VO. Now you can see the list of the VOs under your administration.
  • Please choose the desired VO, where would you like to add an administrator. After clicking on the desired VO there will appear new panel with VO settings.

  • At the Overview bookmark you can find VOQuick tools. There you can click on the List allAdd Manager... button.

  • Please insert first few letters of the user's name or login into the search field and then click on List allSearch button.
  • After you have found the desired user, please tick him by using the checkbox List all.

  • Now please click on the List allAdd button.
  • To verify that new administrator was successfully added click on the Managers bookmark. In the Managers list you shall see the newly added user.

  • Next step is to open the Settings bookmark and click at List all in the "To" email addresses field.

  • Now please insert the email address of the newly added administrator and then click on the VO Save button. Now will new administrator receive a notifications about new and prolongation applications.
  • Access to VO for newly added manager is available immediately.
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