GROUP MANAGER or higher role needed

  • Go to Group managergroup in left menu and select Select groupgroup
  • if you are GROUP MANAGER of several groups in different VOs you have to select VO in which you want to work by popup menu Selected VOVO
  • select group by click on the row with appropriate group name

  • click on the button Members at upper bar OR click to MembersVO option at left menu (it could be default option)

  • fill the name or the logname of the member who has to be removed into searching box and press the button VO Filter
  • select the group member by ticking check-box and click on the button VO Remove
  • confirmation window with the name of the selected member is displayed and option VOOK causes removing the member from the group

  • click on VOCancel if you have just changed your mind
  • information about removing is dispayed

  • No labels