Blog from September, 2019

NGI TRUST supports third-party projects working in the following areas:

  • Better management of consent, to give more control to the user of their data when accessing and using services. 
  • Technical innovation in privacy enhancing technologies, such as cryptography, federated identity, security and privacy for IoT, privacy-enhancing data transports and data at rest.
  • The application of artificial intelligence[1]/machine learning/neural networks to serve the user’s interests.
  • Bootstrapping trust at the protocol level, to maintain a decentralised Internet Infrastructure.

An indicative list of pre-identified areas of concern/opportunities (specific topics) for our second open call (which will be launched on 1 October) is provided below:

  • With a view to next generation certificates, how can European grid certificate authorities build up user-friendly mechanisms that promote a changed user experience and awareness and addresses forms of identity that comply with EU law and or meet specific European needs.
  • DNS-based security of the Internet Infrastructure (DNSSEC, DOH approach), given the need to reinforce trust in a world of “deep fake”.
  • Post-quantum technologies to avoid brute force attacks.
  • Reinforcing reputation systems and thereby enhance the potential to measure the value of personal data and transparency while respecting GDPR principles.
  • Pilot implementation of specifications, standards, acceptance criteria and measurement frameworks for new identifiers, for instance:
    • Mobile Driving Licenses;
    • Delegation in the context of ID;
    • eID and authentication services to support, for instance student mobility and access to educational services, thin file individuals, disabled users, refugees, non-digital natives, lost identities due to natural disasters etc.
  • Solutions that enable the user to more easily and uniformly set preferences or terms such as machine-readable privacy terms (IEEE - P7012) and technologies that help to reduce the risk that GDPR is misused to further exploit/ complicate the user experience.
  • Services and technologies that enhance transparency, user intervenability, and accountability in data processing.

Proposers may use these as inspiration for developing their projects or may address additional specific topics for which they have identified a user need or market demand

[1] Proposals in the field of AI should take into consideration the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI, taking account of keywords such as lawful (respecting applicable laws and regulations), ethical (respecting ethical principles and values) and robust (both from a technical perspective, while taking into account its social environment).