Workshop: Multi Stakeholder Collaborations for Sustainable Trust and Privacy in the Next Generation Internet

Among NGI Trust key ambitions, the project looks at generating new business opportunities as well as enhancing multistakeholder collaborations in the technology domain, bridging innovators, researchers, business, industries, public and non-profit stakeholders into a wider ecosystem.

This workshop aims at boosting collaborations that can germinate new business and contribute to the sustainability of the third-party funded projects, advancing commercial prosperity of developed ideas and solutions. 

The workshop will engage on two key discussions:  

  • Invited key speakers will present an overview of societal and market needs regarding privacy and trust enhancing technologies. Some questions under discussion will be: from Climate Change to COVID19, how do crisis impact your investment thesis and how do they affect future of economic models? How does this affect the revenue vs. sustainability models?  
  • After a round of pitching from third-party funded projects, the final segment is a group discussion that will engage project managers with the panel to explore potential business applications. Key questions will be: What should we be focusing on in terms of privacy and trust in future initiatives for a human-centric internet? Which kind of partnerships can we envisage in the future? 

Agenda – 16th November 2021 - Online

16:00 – 16:10 

Welcome to the Workshop [Alasdair Reid, NGI Trust Coordinator & Jean Luc Dorel, EC Project Officer] 

16:10 – 16:25 

Keynote Speaker: Riane Eisler  

“Nurturing our Humanity: partnerships as key for a better future” 

16:25 – 17:05 

Plenary Session: Societal and Market perspectives for NGI Trust 

- Mitchell Weinstock – HP Tech Ventures 

- Alan Clayton – Global Roaming Mentor SOSV 

- Bruno Bensaid – Co-Founder, Shanghaivest & MobileMonday  

- Ger Baron – Chief Technology Officer of the City of Amsterdam 


Moderator: Lubna Dajani - NGI Trust Advisory Board member

17:05 – 17:15 


17:15 – 18:25 

Plenary Session: NGI Trust Projects’ Results Pitches 

In Order: APPSE, CAP-A, Chiff, EUACTIVE, FAIR AI, GeoWallet, IRIS, Kelp.Digital, MyPCH, PaE Consent Gateway, Solid4DS 

18:25 – 18:55 

Group Discussions 

18:55 – 19:00 

Wrap Up 

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