Blog from May, 2020

NMaaS service is being continuously enhanced with new features with the main goal to improve user experience and allow for extending the list of offered tools.

With the release of the major version 1.3.0 and subsequent upgrades to versions 1.3.1 and 1.3.2, NMaaS brought, among others, advanced management of deployed tool configuration files through Git repository, set of extensions allowing integration of more complex tools and various Portal user interface improvements.

During last months the following tools were added to the NMaaS portfolio:

  • Bastion – Ubuntu-based bastion server deployed in a customer domain has VPN access to all the monitored devices.
  • Booked – A web-based calendar and resource scheduling system that allows administered management of reservations on any number of resources.
  • Statping – An easy to use Status Page for websites and applications.
  • Debian repository – Debian repository based on Reprepro is a tool for managing APT repositories.
  • SPA Inventory – A database for storing information about topology resources and service instances that offers TMF Open APIs for standardised access (developed within the GÉANT project).
  • pSConfig Web Admin (perfSONAR) – pSConfig Web Admin is a web-based UI for perfSONAR administrators to define and publish MeshConfig/pSConfig meshes.

The following tools are planned to be integrated in the near future:

  • MaDDash (perfSONAR) – A tool for collecting large amounts of inherently two-dimensional data and presenting it in visually useful ways.
  • InfluxDB – A time series database (TSDB) optimized for fast, high-availability storage and retrieval of time series data and real-time analytics.
  • ELK Stack – Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana for gathering, processing, analysis and visualization of data.
  • Cacti – Network monitoring and graphing tool designed as a front-end application for the open-source, industry-standard data logging tool RRDtool.

General information about NMaaS and the supported tools is available at