mod_auth_openidc documentation

You can read the documentation of mod_auth_openidc at

Install mod_auth_openidc

Use the package manager of your linux distribution

Make sure that the module is enabled in your apache configuration

Register your service as an OIDC client

Read: Registering services on MyAcademicID

The redirect_uri is for your service is shown in the mod_auth_openidc configuration below

Configure the virtual host for your service

<VirtualHost *:443>

  OIDCRedirectURI https://<SERVER_FQDN>/redirect_uri
     Available scopes:
     - openid:                          mandatory
     - email:                           required in order to receive the email of the user
     - profile:                         required in order to receive the name of the user
     - schac_personal_unique_code:      required in order to receive the ESI of the user
     - voperson_external_affiliation:   required in order to receive the affiliation of the user
     - schac_home_organization:         required in order to receive the schacHomeOrganization of the user
     - eduperson_entitlement:           required in order to receive user entitlements e.g. the EWP Admin role

  OIDCScope "openid email profile"

     The configuration of your application goes here.
     If you want to configure specific location to require
     OIDC authentication see the example below.

  <Location /<protected-resource>
      More information about authorization can be found here:
    AuthType openid-connect
    Require valid-user


Create a target page below the /<protected-resource/ location

This example php page will read the environment variables created by the OIDC module after a successful login and display them:

    <h1>Hello, <?php echo($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) ?></h1>
    <pre><?php print_r(array_map("htmlentities", apache_request_headers())); ?></pre>
    <a href="/protected/redirect_uri?logout=https%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2Floggedout.html">Logout</a>

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