TERENA Technical Committee Meeting, by Video Conference
29th September 2014
Michael Nowlan

  1. Welcome and Apologies
  2. Brief introductions of members
  3. Agreement of agenda
  4. Approval of Minutes: http://www.terena.org/about/ttc/minutes/ttc20140701.pdf
  5. Review of Outstanding Action Points
  6. TERENA Technical Programme in NewOrg, Updated terms of reference for the technical programme forthcoming.
  7. Task Force Status, EMC2, CISO Charter
  8. Roll-out plan of New TCS
  9. TERENA Projects & Activities
    1. SCHAC Schema
    2. OER project
    3. WebRTC
    4. TERENA Greenhouse project
    5. Proposed e-Culture SIG
  10. Dates of Next Meetings: face to face in Amsterdam on 5th November
  11. Any Other Business

Valentino Cavalli (VC), Acting Secretary General
Rob Evans (RE)
Vincente Goyanes (VG)
David Groep (DG)
Yannis Mitsos (YM)
Valter Nordh (VN), VP Technical Programme & TTC chairman
Michael Nowlan (MN), CTO
Peter Schober (SP)
Laura Durnford (LD)
John Dyer (JD)
Nicole Harris (NH)
Sigita Jurkynaite (SJ)
Brook Schofield (BS)
Péter Szegedi (PS)
Licia Florio (LF)
Alessandra Scicchitano (AS)

  1. Welcome and apologies

Valter Nordh welcomed the participants and opened the meeting.

  1. Welcome and apologies

Rob Evans from JANET was welcomed to the committee and all members introduced themselves with a brief description of their roles and responsibilities.

  1. Review and approval of agenda

The agenda was approved

  1. Approval of minutes

The minutes of the TTC meeting of 1st July 2014 were approved.

  1. Review of outstanding action points







Seek input on a replacement TTC member for Esther and for the vacant sixth position.

Partly closed, still seeking sixth member



In early 2015, re-consider a joint task force meeting in 2016



TERENA Secretariat

Secretariat to identify opportunities for TFs to improve on communication by using (TERENA) social media channels in a coordinated way




VN to review the TERENA Technical Programme in the context of NewOrg and present this to an upcoming TTC




VG & PS to talk to Jan Meyer suggesting that he set up a Task Force and bring proposals to the next TTC.




ask Christian Panigl to draw up a document to circulate to the community on the exchange of IPV4 address space


Additional comments on closed/outstanding actions
20140219-5 This task has been partly closed with the appointment of Rob Evans, however the consideration of the sixth member of the TTC remains open.
20140701-2 Task closed and replaced by 20140929-1
20140701-3 Work is ongoing on this new task force and a charter will be presented to an upcoming TTC, a draft was circulated ahead of the meeting.

  1. TERENA Technical Programme in NewOrg

The Terms of Reference of the Technical Programme dating from 1999 were discussed with special reference to task forces and special interest groups. It was concluded that the Technical Programme will not need major changes in the light of the merger and that while the Terms of Reference will have to be updated, no major structural changes are required.
Action: 20140929-1 Terms of Reference of the Technical Programme need to be updated in the coming year to reflect the organisational changes related to the merger of DANTE and TERENA. (TTC)

  1. Task Force Status, EMC2, ISM Charter
    1. TF-EMC2

Following on the resignation of the chair and the inability of the community to find a successor, the task force is deemed to be formally closed. The topics covered by TF-EMC2 are still relevant to the community and TERENA would support alternative ways for the community to collaborate on the topic.
Action: 20140929-2 Formally announce the closure of the TF-EMC2. (BS)

    1. ISM: Information Security Management SIG

This group, which was previously called the "CISO" SIG, changed their name to be more inclusive in terms of the people and skills it would like to attract.
The formation of the ISM SIG was approved with a request that the charter be updated with more clearly defined and elaborated objectives for the November TTC meeting.
Action: 20140929-3 ISM SIG to provide updated charter with more clearly defined and elaborated objectives for the November TTC meeting. (AS)

  1. Roll-Out plan for New TCS

Negotiations with the new supplier, DigiCert are continuing. VC consulted the TTC members of several potential scenarios with the new service. The TTC members agreed:

  • The new service should start as soon as possible with as long an overlap period as could be arranged, recognising that extra costs would be incurred
  • The concept of a single charge for the service should be explored in order to simplify the service offering to the clients

Action: 20140929-4 Explore NREN views on the charging model for the new TCS (AS)
Negotiations are ongoing with Comodo on the SHA2 service provision.

  1. TERENA Projects & Activities
    1. SCHAC Schema

It was noted that LF circulated a status update on the project.

    1. OER Project

PS reported that the project was on target to deliver the expected results by the end of the year. There is a face to face meeting in Amsterdam on the 9th of October.

    1. WebRTC task force discussions

Draft terms of reference have been circulated and there is active engagement within the community on the formation of a WebRTC task force. The draft is still being discussed and will be sent to a later TTC for approval.

  1. Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday the 5th of November in the TERENA Secretariat Office, Amsterdam from 09:30 to 17:00 CET.

  1. AoB

VC informed the TTC that Michael Nowlan's contract ends at the end of October and that after this VC will take over the line management of the PDOs in team called the "CTO Office". Péter Szegedi and Licia Florio will provide support to the CTO Office in their respective areas of the technical programme. MN will continue to work in managing the IT area.
Due the less than satisfactory video-conference experience of the members, an improved service should be investigated ahead of the next TTC meeting by video conference.
Action: 20140929-5 Explore an alternative VC meeting system that satisfies the disparate systems that the TTC members use (MN).

VN closed the meeting.
New and Open Actions Points from 29 September 2014







Seek input for the vacant sixth position on the TTC.




In early 2015, re-consider a joint task force meeting in 2016



TERENA Secretariat

Secretariat to identify opportunities for TFs to improve on communication by using (TERENA) social media channels in a coordinated way




ask Christian Panigl to draw up a document to circulate to the community on the exchange of IPV4 address space




Terms of Reference of the Technical Programme need to be updated in the coming year to reflect the organisational changes.




Formally announce the closure of the TF-EMC2.




ISM SIG to provide updated charter with more clearly defined and elaborated objectives for the November TTC meeting.




Explore NREN views on the charging model for the new TCS




Explore an alternative VC meeting system that satisfies the disparate systems that the TTC members use.


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1 Comment

  1. 20140929-2 is closed and can be found at https://www.terena.org/mail-archives/tf-emc2/msg02578.html at this point in time there is no follow-up messages to this thread.