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Step 1: Initial application meeting / readiness discussion

This initial meeting will talk the candidate through the joining process, get an understanding of the technical infrastructure of the federation and it's maturity and also share information about useful resources for the federation such as the eduGAIN website and wiki and the REFEDS resources

If not already familiar, federations will also be talked through the available document templates and the various eduGAIN tools that can be used for testing compliance and reviewing issues.

  •  Organise meeting with federation, eduGAIN Secretariat, eduGAIN BD and other relevant parties
  •  Add federation to edugain-discuss mailing list and eduGAIN Slack workspace
  •  Ensure a formal ticket is open for the federation application in OTRS
  •  Set up candidate profile on wiki to track progress



Set up meeting within 2 weeks of receiving request

Step 2: Collect required information for membership application

There are a number of formalities that need to be addressed before a federation can become a membership candidate.  These are known as the "joining checklist" and represent the core information that is held about each federation to enable metadata consumption and to start the trust building process.

  •  Contact email
  •  Security contact
  •  Management contact
  •  Signed declaration
  •  Metadata source
  •  Signing certificate
  •  Governance delegate and deputy
  •  Federation website
  •  Federation policy
  •  Federation MRPS
  •  Contact OT to add federation as a candidate on the eduGAIN website
Sec / OTTBD - depending on maturity of federation

Step 3: eduGAIN Secretariat review of federation documentation

The eduGAIN Secretariat will undertake an initial review of the federation Policy and MRPS documents and may invite others to help support this process.   The aim of this step is to help the federation identify any potential issues that might come up from the community review process and ensure step 5 goes as smoothly as possible.
  •  Undertake review of federation documentation
  •  Initial feedback from the eduGAIN Secretariat on documentation review
  •  Organise meeting to discuss feedback if appropriate


4 - 6 weeks
Step 4: Technical reviewThe purpose of the technical review is to iron out any issues the federation may have with publishing and consuming eduGAIN metadata on a daily basis to ensure that the federation can run successfully with no / low error rate when membership is approved.
  •  Work with OT to ensure certificate is correct
  •  Review of metadata against validator checks
  •  federation metadata should run with no errors for the period of time taken to complete the candidate assessment
Sec / OT8 weeks (concurrent with other tasks)
Step 5: membership review of federation documentationAs stated in the eduGAIN Constitution, the eduGAIN Steering Group (eSG) is responsible for: "Reviewing and approving the membership of new Federations". Step 5 and Step 6 support this requirement.
  •  Announce review on edugain-discuss and edugain-sg mailing lists
  •  Invite comments to made on appropriate wiki page
  •  Run review process for a period of 4 weeks
Sec4 weeks (or 2-3 weeks for assessment + 1-2 weeks for the applicant to process the feedback?)
Step 6: votingFormalised vote for membership acceptance
  •  Prepare vote in Zeus
  •  Prepare voting record page on wiki
  •  Run vote for period of 2 weeks
Sec2 weeks
Step 7: formal registrationThis final step ensures that the candidate is able to fully utilise the eduGAIN service after the community vote is successful.
  •  Liaise with OT to update federation from candidate to member
  •  Add federation to edugain-sg mailing list
  •  Add federation to eduGAIN reporting tool


Comment #Document (Policy / MRPS)Document line / referenceProposed Change or QueryProposer / AffiliationAction / decision (to  be filled in by candidate)

It is not clear who the juristic person of record is or which court has jurisdiction. Reading between the lines, it seems as if this is the Ubuntnet Alliance and thus the Republic of Malawi. It would be useful if 6.3 recorded this unambiguously. (Particularly given section 3 of the MRPS references a contractual relationship with this entity.)

Guy / SAFIREThis is captured in Section 3 of the policy, but now also made explicit in 6.3
2Policy4The eligibility criteria for IdPs are very broad and effectively include all countries in the world. It might make sense to limit it to entities with a legal presence in any country in Africa. (Conversely, I would not want to limit SP eligibility in the same way.)Guy / SAFIREPolicy document updated with more specificity.
3MRPS4The example registrationAuthority should be updated to reflect the one that will actually be used.


This has been fixed in the MRPS
4MRPSreferencesThere's a URL showing as https://www.[AFRICAN-CATCH-ALL]/... which points to the policy.Guy / SAFIREThe MRPS reference issue has been fixed
5MRPSlinksA number of what appear to be OCR-type "typos" in some of the links in the MPRS, example: bttps-//www edujd afrjca/seryjce-pmyjdersNicole / InCommonWe are unable to locate the specific issue, but we have updated and validated the document again on this.
6Policyline 256The MRPS states that "changes need to be approved by the Governing Body" but the document does not define such a body, only that governance is delegated to the three RRENs.Alex Stuart / UK federationThe delegation to the three RRENs as “Governing Body" is a management feature to meet the requirements.  This “Governing Body” is legally served by Ubuntunet Alliance as per policy statement.
7MRPSline 115"Amember'scanonicalnamematchesregistrantinformationshowninDNS" presumably through WHOIS and not DNS Alex Stuart / UK federationUltimately, the registrant information is in DNS. We have added a line: "This information will be retrieved using the WHOIS query tool."
8MRPS and metadataMRPS line 137 and entityID The MRPS says that the federation operator will ensure "protocolendpointsareproperlyprotectedwithTLS/SSLcertificates". However, the UA NextCloud Storage Service SP has endpoints that are pan HTTP. The metadata toolchain should consider this an ERROR.Alex Stuart / UK federationEntity has been fixed and metadata updated accordingly.