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Table of Contents

SAML Profile (



UK fixed errors in June
FR,SI, SE fixed errors in July
OM checked and passed July
MY, RU, MA, MZ checked and passed in AugustFR resolved in July
IssueFederationsCountNotesNo issuesDZ, AU, AT, BY, BR, CA, HR,CZ, EC, EE, GE, DE, IN, HU, KR, LV, LT, LU, MD, NO, RU, PL, SG, ZA, ES, UA, CH, NL || UK, FR, SI, SE || OM || MY, RU, MA, MZ CO || HK IR IE GR BE IT || JP AM фEDUrus  || PKIFED || US || UG MK TR ZM OMREN || CY48HK, IE GR BE, IR  and IT checked and passed in September
JP AM фEDUrus checked and passed in October
PKIFED checked and passed in November
US checked and passed in December.
UG, MK, TR, ZM, OMREN checked and passed in February.
CY check and passed in March.
EntitiesDescriptor does not contain PublicationInfoAR, FI, PT3MATE1tested May 2020

EntitiesDescriptor element has the validUntil attribute that is in the past)

FIDERN1tested May 2020IE resolved publication issue in July
Missing an "English" value in Metadata-0JP resolved in October
AM resolved in October

mdui:Logo has wrong value-0
Signature using an Empty Reference-0FR resolved in July
validaUntil is less than 5 or greater than 28 from creationInstant-0CO and IL resolved issues in July
creationInstant wrong / in the futureCL1

FR resolved issues in July
SI resolved issues in July
IR resolved in September
HK resolved issues in September
MK resolved in February.

Signature Method/Digest Weak
Organization block / ContactPerson not found or missing tech/supportDK1

SE resolved in July
GR resolved in September.
JP resolved in October.
MK resolved in February.

Not checked  / new-0

MA + MZ added in August
No new federations in September

ZM, OM2 & фEDUrus added in October
TR started participating in February
CY supplying metadata

SAML Profile: Warnings (49)



No issues

Expired signing/encryption certificateARNaai AAF CAF FÉR GRNET-AAI Edugate IDEM LAIFE FEIDE RCTSaai PIONIER.Id  SGAF SIR ArnesAAI SWAMID15
Some SPs don't provide requested attributesAFIRE GIF GRNET-AAI RUNNET AAI  SIR   SWAMID SURFconext  UK Federation  10SPs that only require AuthN don't need attributes

EmailAddress w/o mailto:

Some entities w/o encryption certificate

FEIDE UK Federation

2Validator had a bug (now fixed) that caused a large number of false positives
Registration Policy not foundACOnet-AAI FEBAS CAF KAFE LITNET FEDI  LEAF Oman KID RCTSaai RIF UK Federation10
DisplayName/Description missingGIF SURFconext UK Federation3
CoCo declared w/o RequestedAttributesSURFconext1

SAML Profile: 3k signing key (



New federation members have to use a 3k key - but how is the rest of the community doing?


FederationMRPS ExistsMRPS Based on TemplateDecision
Albania/RASHYESYESMeets requirements
Algeria/ARNaaiYESYESMeets requirements
Argentina/MATEYESYESMeets requirements
Armenia/AFIREYESYESMeets requirements
Australia/AAFYESYESMeets requirements
Austria/ACOnet Identity FederationYESYESMeets requirements
Belarus/FEBASYESNOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Belgium/Belnet FederationYESNOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Brazil/CAFeNON/AAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Bulgaria/BIFNONOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Canada/Canada Access FederationNON/AAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Chile/COFReNON/AAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Colombia/COLFIREYESYESMeets requirements
Croatia/AAI@EduHrNON/AAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Cyprus/CyNet Identity FederationYESYESMeets requirements
Czech Republic/eduID.czNON/AAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Denmark/WAYFNON/AAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Ecuador/MINGANON/AAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Estonia/TAATYESYESMeets requirements
Finland/HAKANON/AAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
France/Fédération Éducation-RechercheNON/AAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Georgia/Grena Identity FederationNONOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Germany/DFN AAINONOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Greece/GRNETNONOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Hong Kong/HKAFYESNOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Hungary/eduId.huNONOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
India/INFEDYESNOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Iran/IR FedYESYESMeets requirements
Ireland/EdugateYESNOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Israel/IUCC Identity FederationYESNOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Italy/Grid Identity PoolNONOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Italy/IDEMYESNOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Japan/GakuNinYESNOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Korea/KAFEYESNOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Latvia/LAIFEYESNOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Lithuania/LITNET FEDINONOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Luxembourg/eduID LuxembourgYESYESMeets requirements
Macedonia/AAIEduMkNONOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Malaysia / SIFULANYESYESMeets requirements
Moldova/LEAFYESYESMeets requirements


New Zealand/Tuakiri New Zealand Access FederationYESNOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Norway/FEIDENONOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Oman/Oman KIDYESYESMeets requirements

Pakistan/PKIFEDYESYESMeets requirements
Poland/PIONIER.IdYESNOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Portugal/RCTSaaiNONOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019

Russia / FEDURUS

Singapore/Singapore Access Federation - SGAFYESYESMeets requirements
Slovenia/ArnesAAI Slovenska izobrazecalno raziskovalna federacijaNONOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
South Africa/SAFIREYESYESMeets requirements
Spain/SIRYESNOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019

Sweden/SWAMIDYESNOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Switzerland/SWITCHaaiYESYESMeets requirements
The Netherlands/SURFconextYESNOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Turkey/YETKIMNON/AAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
U.S./InCommonYESNOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
Uganda/RIFYESYESMeets requirements
Ukraine/PEANOYESNOAsk to be reviewed and put in place by 1st April 2019
United Kingdom/UK federationYESYESMeets requirements
Zambia / FIDERN


Argentina/MATENo creationInstant availableSupport/Chair to make contact with the federation on this issue.No decision was made here.
Finland/HAKANo creationInstant availableSupport/Chair to make contact with the federation on this issue.No decision was made here.
Greece/GRNET-AAISG deputy missingSupport/Chair to make contact with the federation on this issue.Resolved by GRNET.
Ireland/EdugateNo creationInstant availableSupport/Chair to make contact with the federation on this issue.No decision was made here.
Portugal/RCSTaaiNo creationInstant availableSupport/Chair to make contact with the federation on this issue.No decision was made here.
Spain/SIRNo creationInstant availableSupport/Chair to make contact with the federation on this issue.No decision was made here.


Croatia/AAI@EduHrSupplied English version of the Policy missingWill be available by Tuesday 1 May 2018To be reviewed at the next SG meeting. 

Long term candidacy (



New simple bar for participation (responding to email) will be applied.
Federation (105)Date of ApplicationStatusDecision
China - CSTCloudFederation2017-11-10Recent applicant. Ready for assessment.New simple bar for participation (responding to email) will be applied.
China - CARSI2017-08-01Declaration only. No Policy/MRPS.
Lebanon - LIFE2017-08-07MRPS required prior to assessmentNew simple bar for participation (responding to email) will be applied.
Malawi - MAREN2016-06-08Declaration only. No Policy/MRPS.New simple bar for participation (responding to email) will be applied.
Mexico - FENIX2017-10-25Declaration only. No Policy/MRPS.New simple bar for participation (responding to email) will be applied.
Montenegro - eduID2015-06-16Policy under development.New simple bar for participation (responding to email) will be applied.

Serbia - iAMRES

2015-04-01Declaration only. No Policy/MRPS.New simple bar for participation (responding to email) will be applied.
Slovakia - safeID2015-06-16Recent activity. New SG deputy and work on Policy.New simple bar for participation (responding to email) will be applied.
Romania - RoedunetIDTBDDeclaration sent to GÉANT.  Assessment has been launched.

Members not actively contributing metadata (



Federation (42)Application DateJoining DateStatusDecision
Bulgaria - BIF2017-03-152017-10-27Operational Federation not Supplying MetadataIt was agreed that there are no issues with Bulgaria's participation.
Italy - Grid Identity Pool2013-07-032016-08-11Operational Federation not Supplying MetadataIt was agreed that there are no issues with GridIdP's participation.
New Zealand - Tuakiri New Zealand Access Federation2013-11-262013-11-26Operational Federation not Supplying MetadataIt was agreed that there are no issues with NZ's participation.
Turkey - YETKİM2013-11-062013-11-26No Policy, No MRPS.Metadata now being supplied but policy and MPRS still missing. 

Countries in Europe with no Federation (



Country (98)RegionStatus
AndorraEuropeno information
Azerbaijan (GM / EP)Europeno information
Bosnia and HerzegovinaEuropeno information - potential contact through Annabel, Brook to attend meeting
KazakhstanEuropeno information
Kosovono informationMaltaEuropeno information
MonacoEuropeno information
San MarinoEuropeno information