Versions Compared


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  • Loading an additional/different metadata file that contains metadata for the other eduGAIN entities
  • Adapting the attribute release policies (IdPs) and attribute mappings (SPs) to also support the international attributes recommended by eduGAIN (link to recomme)
  • For SPs: Maybe using a different Discovery Service that also shows the eduGAIN IdPs
  • SPs and IdPs might have to tick a checkbox or send an email to the federation operator to make them expose the entities metadata in the eduGAIN metadata upstream (local federation’s metadata which then is included in eduGAIN metadata).
  • Run a check (especially IdPs, e.g. to ensure that they are ready for and conforming with eduGAIN


  • The federation policy should allow the federation operator to add entities to eduGAIN and/or to integrate eduGAIN entities in the local federation’s metadata
  • All entities load and regularly/automatically update metadata provided by the federation operator. This allows the federation operator to just include all eduGAIN metadata to make the local entities also communicate with eduGAIN entities. Entities that opt-out, then have to load a different set of metadata, which only includes entities of the local federation.
  • The attributes used in that federation ideally are a super-set of those attributes recommended to support in eduGAIN. Having IdPs support additional attributes usually takes a long time.


An overview of which federation has chose which model is available on the Metadata Upstream/Downstream page. Practice has shown that federations who have a comprehensive and protective local policy framework in place tend to be inclined to take an opt-in model, because


If you cannot get such a certificate to send signed emails or if your personal certificate is issued from a CA not listed in the TACAR service, please contact the contact the eduGAIN Operations Team in  in order to establish a different secure communications channel.


The Policy Declaration document for the eduGAIN Policy Framework (available  at eduGAIN_policy_declaration v2.0.pdf the eduGAIN documents page).

Federation Action List

A person who is authorized to represent the federation should sign the printed document and send it to the postal address of the eduGAIN Operations Team:

468D Singel
1017AWLevel 6
Hoekenrode 3 1012BR Amsterdam The Netherlands


The eduGAIN Downstream metadata contains all entities in eduGAIN. It is generated and published by the eduGAIN Metadata Distribution Service (MDS) under , see for details.

The downstream metadata is needed because you federation’s entities that are part of eduGAIN should also consume metadata about other eduGAIN entities. Therefore, you as federator operator should provide your entities with that downstream metadata. It is strongly recommended to provide an own version of eduGAIN metadata to your local entities and not directly make them consume from MDS. Consuming eduGAIN metadata directly from MDS is considered bad practice for several reasons. MDS was not built to serve metadata to potentially thousands of entities. Also, you as federation operator lose the ability to filter out eduGAIN entities that for example are not compliant with your federation policy. Furthermore, this might result in conflicts because your entities might load metadata for other eduGAIN entities of your federation twice (once via MDS and once via your local federation’s metadata).


Information on how to republish the eduGAIN downstream metadata can be found in Republish _ eduGAIN _ Metadata.

Metadata Signing Certificate


eduGAIN is governed by the eduGAIN Steering Group ( eduGAIN governance). Each federation should assign one delegate and at least one deputy to participate in the eduGAIN Steering Group (eSG). The eSG decides for example if a new federation is accepted as eduGAIN member or not. Therefore, there role of a delegate serves an important purpose.



You can perform the following steps to stay updated with the latest discussions/events:


  • Your federation’s deputy and delegate and possibly other key members of the operations team should register to the following mailing lists:



