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GÉANT Software Catalogue is an up-to-date repository of information about software development projects and teams. The tool facilitates and supports the software engineering community in various processes that require knowledge on software development efforts.

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So far, an in-depth information about the software projects and development teams in GÉANT has been gathered manually through surveys. In 2017, in the survey conducted by the GN4-2-SA2-T1, 30 software projects were identified. There were developed by about 20 software development teams of highly skilled professionals originating from different member NRENs.

Information about individual participants in the GÉANT project and their roles in particular activities and tasks is maintained via the internal COmanage Registry [GN-COmanage]. Data related to software developent is already stored and maintained on an ongoing basis in multiple databases such as GN-Jira, GN-Bitbucket, individual NRENs' Git repositories or external hosting platforms (e.g. GitHub or GitLab).

More than 4 years ago, in February 2019, the Software Catalogue was launched and keeps working on the long term mission of building and sharing the "big picture" of GEANT software development efforts. The SC does this in an automated way by exploring projects' resources like Git, JIRA, GitHub, GitLab and many others.

SC may be compared to other available directories like, for example, Apache Projects Directory.

Image AddedConsidering the above, an up-to-date catalogue of software projects and teams needs to be established in order to provide a way of building a big picture of software development in the GÉANT project.

Example use cases for the catalogue

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As a software engineer I I can search for projects teams doing a related work so that I can start cooperating.As a training coordinator I can get an overview of project characteristics so that I can better plan training activities.As a leader I can search for contact points and people responsiblemaintainer I can recognize actual community in my project.
As a team member I can search for people with specific competences so that I can start exchanging experiencedeveloper of a single microservice I can get an overview on a team's joint effort put into our multi-modular software.As an infrastructure provider I can get an overview on projects and teams so that I can better adjust my service to real community needs.As someone I can get an overview of software development efforts in my organisation so that I can make better decision about ... XXX.<place for your use case here>


  • indexing software projects and teams;
  • focus on organisational and technical aspects;
  • actual project community is recognized instead of just "declared" team members;
  • unified view for all items in cataloguesoftware initiatives;
  • access restricted to organisation members;
  • information collected automatically;
  • information download from heterogeneous and scattered sources;
  • integration with and SonarQube.
  • information updated continuously.

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