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TTC Meeting, Amsterdam
10 February 2014


  1. Welcome, introductions, agenda
  2. Approval of Minutes: minutes from the 2014-11-05 meeting
  3. Review of Outstanding Action Points
  4. Secretariat reports
      1. TF-MNM re-chartering (Nicole Harris)
      1. TF-WebRTC report (Peter Szegedi)
      1. OER pilot delivery
      1.  (Peter Szegedi)
      1. REFEDS update (Nicole Harris and Licia Florio)
      1. AARC (Licia Florio)
      1. MAGIC (Brook Schofield)
      1. E4ERA (John Dyer)
      1. TF-MSP Joined Procurement (John Dyer)
    1. Initial set of topics for the TAC discussion at TNC15
    2. Green house discussion (Licia Florio and Nicole Harris)
    3. European Workshop on Trust and Identity (working with Rainer Hörbe) (Nicole Harris)
    4. TTC Member updates
        1. "HE Media Services" (Vincente Goyanes)
      1. AOB

      Participants: Michael Enrico (ME), Peter Schober (PSc), Peter Szegedi (PSz), Vincente Goyanes (VG), Alessandra Scicchitano (AS), Rob Evans (RE), Laura Durnford (LD), Licia Florio (LF), Yannis Mitsos (YM), Valentino Cavalli (VC), Valter Nordh (VN), David Groep (DG), Brook Schofield (BS), Nicole Harris (NH), John Dyer (JD)


      The members of the TTC approved the minutes of the 5th of November 2014 via e-mail after the meeting.


      3. Review of Outstanding Action Points









      Re-consider a joined task force meeting in 2016

      To be revisited




      ISM SIG to provide charter with more clearly defined and elaborated objectives

      AS sent an email with the changes made so far. TTC questioned the proposal that ISM SIG could be a closed group. AS informed that the group intends to be fully opened up later and that it is not entirely closed - CERN can apply and the steering committee would decide case by case. TTC felt that if there is selection, clearer criteria are needed. However, SIG is not a TF – it should be more open and inclusive, especially because no sensitive information to be shared on that list.

      Action (updated from 20140929-3):

      1. AS to convey the comments of the TTC to the Steering Committee

      2. TTC to continue this discussion online.




      Explore alternative VC meeting system for the TTC members to use

      Either technology depending on the room can be used - problem with the end side, so if anyone wants to participate remotely, we can discuss it with them separately



      (Discussion postponed)



      Improve TFs’ communication by using (TERENA) social media channels in a coordinated way


      a) a strategy to reach the unknowns (Comms staff - JD to share some ideas during the next TTC);

      b) a way to make the outcome of the community work easy to read for everybody. Each PDO is encouraged to share the main results of the TFs via social medias.






      To contact YM and PSc for Phase 2 of TCS

      AS gave a brief update on the status of the new service, informing that Phase 1 has successfully ended and Phase 2 started with 3 NRENs testing the APIs. Phase 3 will start on 1 March, anyone will be able to join, but will have to pay. AS had a meeting with the NRENs to explain the process, received positive feedback.





      To report on the management team decision on how to progress with the green house project


      Reported later in the meeting





      To report on the EGI pilot to ensure eduGAIN team is in the loop.


      Reported, slides distributed.

      LD suggested that it would be good to have a news item about it for the Connect magazine, DG agreed.

      Action: LD to follow up on this






      To have an agenda item for the next TTC to start the preparation for the TAC







      To confirm the date for the next TTC




      • Setting out a baseline level of assurance in federations, common ground in identity federations. Apparently, the issue is not so much related to the policy issues, but operational practices instead – tried to address that;
      • To satisfy the growing need to categorize a lot of metadata, entity categories are used for tagging (8000 categories);
      • Working on the Metadata Query Protocol - federations dealing with a lot of data (e.g. eduGAIN) need better tools and specifications to be able to manage handle metadata ;distribution more efficiently
      • Working with the certified group SIRTFI group – Security Incident Response within identity federations;
      • SCHAC (SCHema for Academia) - LF sent slides around with main objectives and other information; ( (SCHema for Academia) - LF sent slides around with main objectives and other information;
      • REFEDS documents published via RFC process - successful moving that forward, will continue to increase that as the main publication
      • Working in specialist working groups, focus groups
      • Working on core services


      BS reported on MAGIC - the successor to the successful ELCIRA project ( which  which will expand its geographic coverage during its 2015-2017 lifetime with €1.4M in funding across 20 global partners to support eduroam, Federated Identity and eduGAIN (WP2), Cloud Provisioning and GroupWare (WP3), Real-Time Collaboration services such as SIP, and WebRTC (WP4) and supporting Global Science Communities (WP5).


      LF reported that the Greenhouse activity has been started – a plan has been set and the concept is ready to be moved forward. A short report, including a high plan, can be found online ( At the beginning, the most important tasks were shaping the concept (what is Greenhouse), looking into the requirements of the projects in order to see whether there are common requirements that can be addressed, and looking into existing models, since there are groups that already offer something similar.


      NH reported that since the TF-EMC2 activity finished last year, there were talks about the need to keep those discussions going elsewhere. One of the platforms is the European Workshop on Trust and Identity ( - open  – an open space type meeting, coordinated by Rainer Hörbe, which brought in people from outside of the community. NH noted that until now there were a lot of meetings that were left to Rainer to run. However, there is a need to have this process more formalized so that GÉANT in collaboration with Rainer could coordinate those meetings better, for example, GÉANT Amsterdam could run the registration and website.
