TTC Meeting, Amsterdam
10 February 2014


  1. Welcome, introductions, agenda
  2. Approval of Minutes:
  3. Review of Outstanding Action Points
  4. Secretariat reports
    4.1. TF-MNM re-chartering (Nicole Harris)
    4.2. TF-WebRTC report (Peter Szegedi)
    4.3. OER pilot delivery  (Peter Szegedi)
    4.4. REFEDS update (Nicole Harris and Licia Florio)
    4.5. AARC (Licia Florio)
    4.6. MAGIC (Brook Schofield)
    4.7. E4ERA (John Dyer)
    4.8. TF-MSP Joined Procurement (John Dyer)
  5. Initial set of topics for the TAC discussion at TNC15
  6. Green house discussion (Licia Florio and Nicole Harris)
  7. European Workshop on Trust and Identity (working with Rainer Hörbe) (Nicole Harris)
  8. TTC Member updates
    8.1. "HE Media Services" (Vincente Goyanes)
  9. AOB



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