Minutes of Meeting



Henrik Larsen
XT1000 ….  (Francisco)

Participation is up, yay!


Rolf had Sigita create the wiki page, and Alf has updated it to more in line with what SURFnet is doing.
Alf presented the SURFnet diagram, with 5 phases of planning.
Alf will change it to an organisation neutral diagram.
We will meet in Brussels in 2 weeks, and work on furthering the information.
Rolf asked if there are more documents we can see, but these were not ready yet.
Alf has a guide with the 5 basic steps for Unis,  and he will translate the headlines and upload those, so we have something more to discuss in Brusssels.

Awareness month
Roderick asked whether we are planning awareness.
Robert told he is in the middle of planning phishing campaign, the next one is due next week, and then every 2nd month after that.
Øivind also mentioned they are working on some things, and Rolf might present it to the group.
Fernand said belnet  worked with cyber security coalition, in creating awareness campaigns.
Henrik said that DeiC also produced videofilms, that the unis can use. They might make a new campaign.
Alf said there was nothing particular planned for Surfnet for the awareness month, but they have animations. He will ask Sigita to setup a page, and then we can share links. This will be a top page, so it is not hidden under SIG-ISM page.

Next meeting
Is in Brussels, we will find a new date there.

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