NGI_Trust is aimed at funding projects that ensure the Internet remains a secure and resilient system, especially during crisisNGI_Trust funding is already bearing fruit and hitting the headlines with our grantees DECIDE and CASPER. Both have been featured in NGI's publication 'THE PEOPLE BUILDING THE INTERNET OF TOMORROW'.

CASPER's main aim "is to identify and apply potentials of using artificial intelligence to protect young people on the internet. Different types of content are analysed, including text, images, video and audio, as well as the different types of online threats. The resulting system is meant to be modular, extensible, multi-platform, cloud-enabled, and compatible with already existing solutions. A special challenge is to support the collaborative use of results while preserving privacy“.  

The DECIDE project aims at supporting "the actual diffusion of privacy enhancing technologies in the context of identity management that enable trusted interactions in the digital sphere". DECIDE's goal is to "gain a better understanding of users’ mental models and service providers’ requirements and work towards the actual integration of outcomes in the existing and future decentralized identity solutions".

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