The 1st article presented you the hardware platform and the rationale behind the choices. Let's dive into the subject now!
Basic Linux/Unix knowledge
Service provider networking knowledge
Several choices were possible, we finally ended up in following the KISS method. The Operating system requirements are:
requirement #0: LTS operating system
requirement #1: Benefit from LTS security patches
requirement #2: Must be able to run DPDK
requirement #3: (personal requirement) Must be familiar to me
requirement #4: Able to run Java software as freeRouter is written in Java
requirement #5: Small operating system software footprint
requirement #6: Support for IPv4/IPv6
The hardest path would be:
Create a custom linux distribution using the Yocto project:
The objective is to have tight control of the software installed on the appliance. This guarantees the smallest footprint we hope to obtain. For those familiar with OpenWRT, we can reach a tiny image size. My OpenWRT image is 5Mb.
Use of NixOS or Nix package manager
This provides an incredible feature: commit/rollback functionality at the package management level!
The features above are still under study into RARE group. We will introduce these technologies once we feel more confident on how to integrate these technologies into a streamlined deployment process.
Article objective
In this article we will go through the major steps in deploying Debian 10 stable aka Buster in order to prepare freeRouter installation.
dpkg -l | grep dpdk
ii dpdk 19.11.2-1~bpo10+1 amd64 Data Plane Development Kit (runtime)
ii dpdk-dev 19.11.2-1~bpo10+1 amd64 Data Plane Development Kit (dev tools)
ii libdpdk-dev:amd64 19.11.2-1~bpo10+1 amd64 Data Plane Development Kit (basic development files)
In this setup we will create a freeRouter folder at the filesystem root directory
Create freeRouter folder at filesystem root directory
mkdir /rtr
get freeRouter control plane software
cd /rtr
get freeRouter net-tools tarball
cd /rtr
tar xvf rtr.tar -C /rtr
rm rtr.tar
As freeRouter is handling the networking task, we have to disable the appliance networking. Forgetting to do so will result in conflicts and unpredictable behaviour.
cat /rtr/
cd /rtr
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/disable_ipv6
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/lo/disable_ipv6
ip link set lo up mtu 65535
ip addr add dev lo
ip addr add ::1/128 dev lo
echo 96 > /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages
modprobe uio_pci_generic -b uio_pci_generic 01:00.0 -b uio_pci_generic 02:00.0 -b uio_pci_generic 05:00.0 -b uio_pci_generic 06:00.0 -b uio_pci_generic 07:00.0 -b uio_pci_generic 08:00.0
ip link add veth0a type veth peer name veth0b
ip link set veth0a multicast on
ip link set veth0a allmulti on
ip link set veth0a promisc on
ip link set veth0a mtu 8192
ip link set veth0a up
ip link set veth0b multicast on
ip link set veth0b allmulti on
ip link set veth0b promisc on
ip link set veth0b mtu 8192
ip link set veth0b up
ethtool -K veth0a rx off
ethtool -K veth0a tx off
ethtool -K veth0a sg off
ethtool -K veth0a tso off
ethtool -K veth0a ufo off
ethtool -K veth0a gso off
ethtool -K veth0a gro off
ethtool -K veth0a lro off
ethtool -K veth0a rxvlan off
ethtool -K veth0a txvlan off
ethtool -K veth0a ntuple off
ethtool -K veth0a rxhash off
ethtool --set-eee veth0a eee off
ethtool -K veth0b rx off
ethtool -K veth0b tx off
ethtool -K veth0b sg off
ethtool -K veth0b tso off
ethtool -K veth0b ufo off
ethtool -K veth0b gso off
ethtool -K veth0b gro off
ethtool -K veth0b lro off
ethtool -K veth0b rxvlan off
ethtool -K veth0b txvlan off
ethtool -K veth0b ntuple off
ethtool -K veth0b rxhash off
ethtool --set-eee veth0b eee off
ip link add veth1a type veth peer name veth1b
ip link set veth1a multicast on
ip link set veth1a allmulti on
ip link set veth1a promisc on
ip link set veth1a mtu 1500
ip link set veth1a up
ip link set veth1b multicast on
ip link set veth1b allmulti on
ip link set veth1b promisc on
ip link set veth1b mtu 8192
ip link set veth1b up
ip link set wlan0 up
ethtool -K veth1a rx off
ethtool -K veth1a tx off
ethtool -K veth1a sg off
ethtool -K veth1a tso off
ethtool -K veth1a ufo off
ethtool -K veth1a gso off
ethtool -K veth1a gro off
ethtool -K veth1a lro off
ethtool -K veth1a rxvlan off
ethtool -K veth1a txvlan off
ethtool -K veth1a ntuple off
ethtool -K veth1a rxhash off
ethtool --set-eee veth1a eee off
ethtool -K veth1b rx off
ethtool -K veth1b tx off
ethtool -K veth1b sg off
ethtool -K veth1b tso off
ethtool -K veth1b ufo off
ethtool -K veth1b gso off
ethtool -K veth1b gro off
ethtool -K veth1b lro off
ethtool -K veth1b rxvlan off
ethtool -K veth1b txvlan off
ethtool -K veth1b ntuple off
ethtool -K veth1b rxhash off
ethtool --set-eee veth1b eee off
ip addr flush dev veth1a
ip addr add dev veth1a
route add default gw
start-stop-daemon -S -b -x /rtr/
make executable
chmod u+x /rtr/
A bit of explanation
Disable IPv6
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/disable_ipv6
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/lo/disable_ipv6
ip link set lo up mtu 65535
Note that IPv6 operation would occur on the host itself, IPv6 will be handled at freeRouter level
In this case we use 96 hugepages, this value can be different if you are using a box with different characteristics (# of ports, memory etc.) The objective is to configure a value that is not too high (waste of resources) and not too small. otherwise p4dpdk won't run. In this case this leaves 10 Free HugePages.
Configure the appliance OOBM via veth pair (as all physical ports are handled by DPDK and will be invisible from the Linux kernel)
Disable IPv6
ip link add veth0a type veth peer name veth0b
ip link set veth0a multicast on
ip link set veth0a allmulti on
ip link set veth0a promisc on
ip link set veth0a mtu 8192
ip link set veth0a up
ip link set veth0b multicast on
ip link set veth0b allmulti on
ip link set veth0b promisc on
ip link set veth0b mtu 8192
ip link set veth0b up
ethtool -K veth0a rx off
ethtool -K veth0a tx off
ethtool -K veth0a sg off
ethtool -K veth0a tso off
ethtool -K veth0a ufo off
ethtool -K veth0a gso off
ethtool -K veth0a gro off
ethtool -K veth0a lro off
ethtool -K veth0a rxvlan off
ethtool -K veth0a txvlan off
ethtool -K veth0a ntuple off
ethtool -K veth0a rxhash off
ethtool --set-eee veth0a eee off
ethtool -K veth0b rx off
ethtool -K veth0b tx off
ethtool -K veth0b sg off
ethtool -K veth0b tso off
ethtool -K veth0b ufo off
ethtool -K veth0b gso off
ethtool -K veth0b gro off
ethtool -K veth0b lro off
ethtool -K veth0b rxvlan off
ethtool -K veth0b txvlan off
ethtool -K veth0b ntuple off
ethtool -K veth0b rxhash off
ethtool --set-eee veth0b eee off
So the above section is pretty straightforward:
It creates veth0a / veth0b pair. For those familiar with P4, this is similar to the channel between the control plane (freeRouter) and p4dpdk (dataplane) using CPU_PORT
It sets for veth0a/veth0b: multicast/allmulti/promisc flag + mtu=8192
It disables TCP offload for veth0a/veth0b
We do the same thing for the Out Of Band management (linux access)
veth1a/veth1b for OOB management
ip link add veth1a type veth peer name veth1b
ip link set veth1a multicast on
ip link set veth1a allmulti on
ip link set veth1a promisc on
ip link set veth1a mtu 1500
ip link set veth1a up
ip link set veth1b multicast on
ip link set veth1b allmulti on
ip link set veth1b promisc on
ip link set veth1b mtu 8192
ip link set veth1b up
ip link set wlan0 up
ethtool -K veth1a rx off
ethtool -K veth1a tx off
ethtool -K veth1a sg off
ethtool -K veth1a tso off
ethtool -K veth1a ufo off
ethtool -K veth1a gso off
ethtool -K veth1a gro off
ethtool -K veth1a lro off
ethtool -K veth1a rxvlan off
ethtool -K veth1a txvlan off
ethtool -K veth1a ntuple off
ethtool -K veth1a rxhash off
ethtool --set-eee veth1a eee off
ethtool -K veth1b rx off
ethtool -K veth1b tx off
ethtool -K veth1b sg off
ethtool -K veth1b tso off
ethtool -K veth1b ufo off
ethtool -K veth1b gso off
ethtool -K veth1b gro off
ethtool -K veth1b lro off
ethtool -K veth1b rxvlan off
ethtool -K veth1b txvlan off
ethtool -K veth1b ntuple off
ethtool -K veth1b rxhash off
ethtool --set-eee veth1b eee off
ip addr flush dev veth1a
ip addr add dev veth1a
Add default route to SDN999 for OOBM return traffic ( is freeRouter sdn999: we will see the full config later)
route add default gw
Effectively start freeRouter main loop
Start freeRouter inside main loop
start-stop-daemon -S -b -x /rtr/
This main loop is triggered by the script below:
/rtr/ script
cat /rtr/
while (true); do
cd /rtr/
stty raw < /dev/tty
java -Xmx4g -jar /rtr/rtr.jar router /rtr/rtr-
if [ $? -eq 4 ] ; then
reboot -f
stty cooked < /dev/tty
sleep 1
A bit of explanation
Requirement considerations:
The box should run 24x7
It must survive a power cut, i.e the service should be restored each time the power is cut for any reasons
If no power cut but freeRouter has crashed for any reason, it should be restarted
Let me re-assure you, freeRouter usually don't crash, most often freeRouter has manual or better: auto-upgrades
freeRouter infinite loop: freeRouter autoupgrade process restarts and self-restarts
while (true); do
The appliance has 8Gb RAM which is enough for JVM running freeRouter. (Full routing IPv4/IPv6 at the control plane is possible at home! ← ok this is useless but cool, no? :3 )
RAM allocation is for JVM and its tables
Additional RAM allocation is for p4dpdk and p4emu, as we have to store the table once for the native code too
Lastly the kernel also needs memory, so it's a good idea to leave some free RAM and not give everything to JVM.
Start freeRouter
java -Xmx4g -jar /rtr/rtr.jar router /rtr/rtr-
freeRouter "Cold reboot"
Cold reboot
if [ $? -eq 4 ] ; then
reboot -f
All the choices have been made in order to make the appliance resilient as much as possible and provide an enjoyable user experience. We will see in a later article, a feature that I love: auto-upgrade. This will keep your appliance up to date over the network with the latest freeRouter train during low traffic period. Of course, for ISP P/PE core router we don't want this, but hey! why not? As soon as all customers are dual homed to 2 different PEs reachable via 2 direct core paths, this can be achieved during low traffic period after having set the metric to infinity on all the PE/P boxes to be upgraded. (use IS-IS overload bit or OSPF max-metric router-lsa)
In this article, we got our hands dirty and manually installed freeRouter with DPDK dataplane from a clean slate environment. This is done on purpose, as I'd like you to understand the whole installation process in detail. There is an automated installation alternative that will install freeRouter also. However this is will install freeRouter with software backend. If your hardware CPU+NIC is compatible you can just replace the software backend by DPDK backend. At that precise point we have a vanilla genuine installation of freeRouter with DPDK dataplane on an appliance that can survive physical wild environment and power cut. We have just now to create the 2 freeRouter configuration files:
freeRouter installation is not complex. It just boils down to installing a basic supported Linux OS, install Java, some 3rd party software and the freeRouter jar and binaries itself
In the binary list you'll have a special one called p4dpdk that corresponds to freeRouter DPDK dataplane that emulate RARE P4 program on BMv2 (It does not emulate BMv2 !)
Though this installation is manual for pedagogic purpose, the installation can be fully automated, just fire up a VM with a bunch of interfaces and test it !
The installation proposed is highly resilient and will ease upgrade of the appliance (we will see in subsequent article what it means )
In the next article, we will configure the freeRouter appliance, start the router, and provide configuration in order to have effective basic ping reachability to the FTTH BROADBAND internal IP.