Released to the InAcademia production platform 25th February 2021.

Release 2.7.0 has been deployed to the customer integration platform and the production environment, addressing error flows 14, 15 and 16 as described in the flow documentation.  Please refer to the link below for more information.

Enhanced error to enable utilisation in merchants' decision making workflow:

Error: unsupported claim received:

Where a request contains an unsupported claim, prior versions of InAcademia redirected to the merchant RP with 'invalid request: requested claims value not allowed', InAcademia will now gracefully ignore the unsupported claim and process the request.

Error: unsupported claim format received:

Where a request contains a claim in an unsupported format, InAcademia threw an 'unknown error' error and terminated the transaction. InAcademia will now handle the error, returning 'invalid_request: ErrorDescription.= invalid+format+of+request+parameter%3A+%27claims%27’.

Error: EntityID error:

Where a request contains an unknown entityID or IdP_hint hash, InAcademia threw an 'unknown system error' error and terminated the transaction or 'access_denied: authentication failed', InAcademia will now handle the error, returning 'access_denied: entity_id error'.


  • Further enhancements to internal logging and debugging capabilities.
  • Fixes for UTF-8 encoding in IdP_hinting were also deployed to production 16th


The technical client implementation documentation:

Example client configuration for exiting client software:

Implementation guidelines:

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