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Over the past 2 weeks you may have heard about the high mark GÉANT received from the Commission for its activities in the GN4.1 project. Indeed. It was the time of the EC Review and the GÉANT project received a #5, which was a top EC project rating for the fifth consecutive year For Jari Miettinen (GN4.1 task leader of the Campus Best Practice, CSC) and myself, Nadia Sluer as GN4.1 deputy activity leader, GÉANT) it was a great pleasure to represent all the NA3 tasks and it was an unique opportunity to share with the Commission and 4 independent reviewers our valuable work completed in GN4.1.

Impressed with Metrics and Facts

Essentially, we produced #40 good/best practice documents in IT and environmental sustainability, we completed #15 test cases and we collectively reached out to an audience of thousands of R&E professionals through more than #100 presentations in meetings, conferences and workshops which makes a monster achievement.To demonstrate the impact of our work on society and end customers we showcased the sustainability training organised in Macedonia; the case Armenia and the Norwegian BPD series on Digital Exams,  along other highlights such as the publication of #26 campus best practice documents and EcO2meter enhancements.We thematised the presentationWorking and Learning together to build strong Communities’ and left the reviewers impressed and curious about the legacy and future of this relevant work. 

So, What About Our Legacy And Future Plans?

Of course that took us right into talking about SIG-SCOPE in which our joint legacy, continues to live and receives an audience. I believe it should be our goal to work together and share, update, renew,publish and present our best practices, tools, templates and trainings in- and outside SCOPE communities.

How to do it? A few practical ideas come to mind:

  • Publish a selection of the Green team's Test cases
  • Green-ify’ existing Campus Best Practice documents
  • Participate in events
  • Organise a SCOPE meeting to share existing work and new challenges 

  Have you considered any of these or other ways to move ahead, please reflect on this post or visit our discussion board.

Google wants to ensure none of the waste generated by its global datacentre footprint goes to landfill, as the internet giant looks to improve the environmental friendliness of its operations.

The internet giant said six out of 14 of its datacentres are already diverting 100% of the waste they produce down more “sustainable pathways” to keep it out of landfill sites. However, it wants to repeat this success across all of the facilities that make up its portfolio of server farms.

Read further at,%20court%20rules_&utm_source=EDA


In this newsletter you will find information on FEE's General Assembly 2016 and the CEE Conference that follows it. You will be reading about the LEAF and Green Key National Operators' Meetings, and the Blue Flag International Jury Meeting for 2016. We hope you enjoy watching the new Young Reporters for the Environment promotional video.

The first meeting of the SCOPE Special Interest Group was held on Tuesday 8t June 2016 by Videoconference.  Focus of the meeting was to identify what drives the SIG and what is it’s vision and as to how to know move forward . The full agenda of the meeting can be found at:

All documents for the meeting can be found at:

The next GCC meeting will be held on 27th June. The GCC, GÉANT Community Committee oversees the GÉANT SIGs and Task forces.
Should you have any questions or issues that you want to put forward to the Committee, please contact