eduGAIN Steering Group Meeting

Monday 6th August 2018, 17:00 - 17:50 NZST (in your timezone)

Please Note that the above time is CONFIRMED.

04:45 UTC
16:45 NZST

Arrival & "Can you hear me now?" (see Connection Details)

05:00 UTC
17:00 NZST

Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Agreement

05:15 UTC
17:15 NZST

Membership Updates and Joining
    • Pipeline and process for new members (eduGAIN 101)
    • 53 participant members / 6 members / 12 candidates
    • New Members
      • Morocco (participating)
      • CAFMoz (metadata signing verification required)
    • Candidates Under Assessment (3)
      • Russia/фEDUrus (major changes suggested)
      • Oman/OMREN Fed (minor changes suggested)
      • Zambia/FIDERN (minor changes suggested)
05:30 UTC
17:30 NZST

eduGAIN Support and Mentoring

05:40 UTC
17:40 NZST

Future SG Meetings

  • Conflict/Changes to 2018 meeting dates/times?
  • Next meeting @ Tuesday 25th September 2018 via VC
05:45 UTC
17:45 NZST

Any other business, Summary and Actions.

05:50 UTC
17:50 NZST

Meeting Close (as there is an official event we need to vacate this room for).

Connection Details


Federations in Attendance (xx)

  1. ...
  2. *...

*Not a member.

Attendees (xx)

  1. Brook Schofield, GÉANT
  2. Nicole Harris, GÉANT
  3. Thomas Lenggenhager, SWITCH
  4. ...
  5. ...and 28 other people in the room at APAN46!

Apologies (xx)

  1. Roberto Barbera, GrIDP (reason: Department and INFN Division closed in that week)


Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Agreement

The Chair welcomed everyone to the 5th meeting of 2018.


For details on new members and candidates see and work on progressing new members is underway.

Outstanding Issues with Federations

eduGAIN Compliance Issues




Future meetings

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 25th September 2018 at via VC (13:30-15:00).