The Sirtfi public-facing homepage can be found at 

Documentation can be found on the Sirtfi Technical Wiki at

The REFEDS Sirtfi WG work plan and meeting notes can be found at 

A Moodle Course on Sirtfi has been produced 

Sirtfi has been presented at the following meetings:

EWTI (European Workshop on Trust and Identity), Vienna, Austria REFEDS Sirtfi Impact 20151207.pdf
ISGC (International Symposium on Grids and Clouds), Taiwan ISGC Raising Security 20160315.pdf
Kantara IAWG, Videoconference Kantara AARC Assurance Profiles 20160407.pdf
TF-CSIRT, Riga, Latvia TF-CSIRT-Sirtfi-Introduction-20160513.pdf
TNC16, Prague, Czech Republic TNC Sirtfi Lightening Talk 20160614.pdf
EUGridPMA, Switzerland 20160919 EUGridPMA Sirtfi.pdf
SWITCH ICT Focus, Switzerland 20161122 SWITCH ICT Focus Sirtfi.pdf
ISGC (International Symposium on Grids and Clouds), Taiwan 20170305_ISGC_Incident_Response_Poster.pdf
GDB (Grid Deployment Board), Taiwan 20170308 GDB Sirtfi.pdf
IAMOnline Europe, Webinar 20170315 IAMOnline Sirtfi Webinar.pdf
WISE, Nikhef 20170327 Incident Response Identity Federations.pdf


Additional background material created under the AARC project:

Sirtfi BrochureWhy_Sirtfi.pdf
ISGC Proceedings Paper (paper submitted, awaiting feedback)ISGC_2016_HShort.pdf
REFEDS Blog Post
Sirtfi PosterTNC16 Sirtfi Poster 20160427.pdf