

Who are current developers (and NREN/Organisation)?Guillaume Rousse (RENATER)
Can the previous developers be contacted?Olivier Salaün is the first developer
Where is the code repository?

Where is documentation?eduGAIN Access Check
Which language/libraries/database are used?Perl, HTML, CSS + SimpleSAMLphp
What code maintenance is needed?None
Which new features are needed?user profiles adapted to french-specific context
Was the IPR check for the tool done?No IPR check has been performed
Where is the development roadmap?There isn't any roadmap
Which project management tool is used?None
What is the response of the code security audit?No code security audit has been performed
What are the biggest gaps in terms of development?

No feature request from product owner (eduGAIN, GEANT, ?)

Who is operating tool?

RENATER federation team

What is the operational contact?

RENATER federation team

Where is the service hosted?RENATER datacenter
What is the deployment model (manual, ansible, docker, etc)?ansible
Where is the deployment and operations documentation?
How is tool usage monitored. Are the statistics publicly available?No usage monitoring
How is tool monitored, who is alerted?Nagios, with RENATER federation team as contact
How is service backup (if needed)?No backup
Is tool processing personal data, is GDPR resolved (ok if you don’t know the answer)Federation metadata only
What are the biggest gaps in terms of operations?No usage monitoring

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