This document is a draft manifesto for the GÉANT SCOPE SIG.


These keywords were listed during the kick-off in Vienna. Interpretation has been made by editors using italics font.

  • outreach: active communication and dissemination efforts, create awareness

  • sustainable: guiding principle for developing IT systems and services, considering environmental, social and financial aspects

  • practical: produce and compile results which are viable

  • influence: try to change the attitudes and behaviour, make an impact

Manifesto text

[Identification section: who are writing and what’s the aim]

Keywords: NREN community in Europe under the auspices of GÉANT, will to transform the R&E service development and delivery chain


The research and education networking community in Europe has existed for decades. It has achieved many milestones, one of the most important being the GÉANT network. The human networking and cross-border collaboration has made the advances possible. The work is far from over as new challenges emerge because of continuous technological development and the impact that has on society. Therefore the NREN community under the auspices of GÉANT is establishing a new special interest group for transforming the research and education service development and the service delivery chain.


[thesis section: unifying point]

Keywords: cohesion, interoperability, environmental awareness


New services are established at an accelerating rate because of the evolution and development IT technology. Therefore the service interoperability and the cohesion of the research and education services are in jeopardy. In general, we and society as a whole find it more difficult to understand the impact all these changes have. Combine this with the societal pressure of operating carbon neutral in the near future and it becomes essential to understand the impact ICT technology has on various levels and to know how to best use it. In terms of environmental sustainability, ICT can even be used to reduce our footprint if we use it right.


[precepts section: instructions meant to regulate behaviour or thought]

Keywords: create awareness, support the building of sustainable infrastructures for the HE community, share experiences, provide practical guidelines which are easily put into use in different national environments


The GÉANT community must therefore raise the awareness of the environmental impacts and issues. Support has to be provided to build sustainable infrastructures for the higher education community. We are obliged to provide practical guidelines, which can be easily applied and deployed. The existing experience should be shared in order to develop and perfect the knowledge for mutual benefit.


[plan for action section]

Therefore, the GÉANT community will initiate collaboration and establish a special interest group, which will:

  1. facilitate knowledge exchange and collaboration between IT staff, with a focus on campus issues and green IT technologies;

  2. enable the continued production of documentation regarding campus best practices and environmental sustainability;

  3. foster face-to-face and online meetings, providing a breeding ground to discuss, elaborate and disseminate early thoughts, brought in by members of the research and education community that can evolve into best practice documents;

  4. co-organize trainings (jointly with organizations requesting them), liaising at the same time with GÉANT training activities;

  5. coordinate the revision of existing campus best practice and green team documents, on a need basis, encouraging document re-use.


[elaboration of precepts section: one chapter each]

Keywords: awareness, support actions, share experiences, provide guidelines

The general awareness of the situation and the possible solutions can be raised by collaborative efforts, where the key messages and information is delivered to the community. The work can be done by using the existing co-operation networks, groups and partners.

The building of sustainable infrastructures can be supported by sharing the practices, by providing the tools to create realistic metrics and by benchmarking the activity between comparable entities. The possibility to see the work of the peers and to learn together is the best lesson, which will be remembered.

The continuous discussion in the community is essential. The challenging debate will clarify the meaning and sharpen the expression. The intentions of the authors are clear at the time, but the future adopters and generations need an explanation to see the reason.

The work of the engineers is based on facts. Therefore, guidelines are needed, which are on a suitable level to recreate a compatible system. A document repository will be created and maintained, which serves as safe for the technical blueprints. Special attention is paid to the general availability and easy accessibility of the content.


[conclusion section]

Keywords: more sustainable and compatible R&E IT, green future

We see that these actions will open a route to more sustainable and compatible research and education IT infrastructures, and a green future.