Advanced notice :   We will be carrying out maintenance on this site from Friday 24 January until Sunday 26 January at 11:59.  The site will be unavailable during the maintenance window.   Maintenance start time:  24/01/2025 12:00 UTC.  End time: 26/01/2025 23:59 UTC.

THE SCOPE DISCUSSION FORUM is a platform tool that lets SCOPE members share and discuss topics. With this tool, SCOPE members can easily interact about conversations and questions, mark useful replies, enable or disable comments and manage discussions status (new, in discuss, resolved).  

By keeping ongoing online discussion SIG-SCOPE aims to bring together its members. The discussions can be on different kind of topics or questions raised by SCOPE members. Aim is to establish new collaborations to come to new solutions in ICT practices that ultimately will benefit all.  


You are required to log in the wiki, using our federated login system in order to add comments or to create a new discussion and to view/edit  pages restricted to SCOPE members.

Go to SCOPE DISCUSSION FORUM or any other SCOPE page

  1. Use the login button at the top-right hand side of the screen

  2. Log in with your federated log in credentials from your home institution or alternatively from a social provider such as facebook, google or linkedin

  3. That's it ! you will no be able to add comments or create a new discussion!

To create a new Discussion


  2. Go to Create button

  3. Choose Discussion from the 'Create' dialog.

  4. Enter information about

    1. Discussion title
    2. Choose type: question or discussion
    3. People you want to notify about this discussion ("share with" option)
    4. Discussion description
    5. If needed add labels to your discussion

    6. Select discussion category. Categories are topics to group by your discussions. You can find more details about Discussion categories within this section (if no category selected, discussion will be added under a default category called "Uncategorized")
  5. Click on create button
  6. That's it ! A new conversation will be created.

  7. Make sure the 'Enable comments' is switched on, so others can comment.

Commenting on a discussion or question

To comment on an existing Discussion


  2. Log in the SCOPE DISCUSSION FORUM PAGE ( upper right corner) if you are not logged in)

  3. Click on the Topic

  4. Go the the bottom of the page

  5. Write a comment in the 'Write a comment... dialog box

  6. Click save
  7. That's it ! A comment has been created  


If any questions, please contact

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