DateMarch 8th 2022 10:00-12:00am CET  
LocationSUNET Office Stockholm
Participants (in presence)Nicole Harris (GEANT), Leif Johansson (SUNET), Björn Mattson (SUNET), Pål Axelsson (SUNET), Kushal Das (SUNET), Davide Vaghetti (GARR)
Participants (remote)

Marco Malavolti, Eisaku Sakane, Tomasz Wolniewicz, Mark Williams, Pensri A., Dariusz Janny (PSNC), Maarten Kremers, Maja Górecka-Wolniewicz, Dubravko Penezic (SRCE) (dpenezic), Stephen Lovell (GÉANT), Thomas Bärecke, Alex Stuart, Martin Stanislav,Niels van Dijk, alan buxey, Leonardo Marino, Barbara Monticini, Zbigniew Ołtuszyk (PSNC), Ian Galpin, Donald Coetzee, Jule Ziegler, Valeriu Vraciu (UAIC), Daniel Kouřil, Thijs Kinkhorst, Takeshi Nishimura (GakuNin / NII), TENET Boardroom, Massimiliano Adamo, Thomas Nilsson,Macías José Manuel, Renato Furter, Warda Al Habsi (OMREN), Saeed Khademi, , Salu Upadhyay, Halil Adem, Fredrik Domeij, Gheorghita BUTNARU, Mario Di Lorenzo, Guy Halse, Laura Pirelli, Lewisham West & Penge CLP, Eilia Etminan

1.1. Recording

1.2. PlayBook

1.2.1. Key data

Key typeKey SubjectKey Duration

RSA 4096bit 

O=GEANT, CN=eduGAIN RSA Signer CA 2022

20 Years

ECC 384bits

O=GEANT, CN=eduGAIN ECC Signer CA 202220 Years

1.2.2. Key generation

  1. Prepare key storage computer for use.
  2. Connect and verify RNG.
  3. Use the RNG to create and set a static password in the two yubikeys. 
  4. Generate RSA 4096 bits and ECC 384 bits keypairs , encrypt using yubikey in static mode.
  5. Create certificate requests using keypair.
  6. Issue self-signed certificate using keypair.
  7. Copy the keys to two USB sticks.
  8. Generate sha1 and sha256 fingerprint of certificate.
  9. Copy the RSA certificate to a USB stick and send it to the eduGAIN OT.  
  10. Shutdown key storage computer.

1.2.3. Key storage

  1. Put the two pairs of USB stick and yubikey in its own tamper bag.
  2. Record the tamper bags serial numbers.
  3. Key storage computer goes in its tamper bag along with paper record of the commands.

1.2.4. Key deployment to Luna HSM

  1. Prepare key storage computer for use.
  2. Connect ethernet interface to secondary ethernet of HSM in the cluster.
  3. Configure HSM for providing NTLS service on secondary ethernet port.
  4. Decrypt RSA private key using yubikey in static mode, temporarily stored in /dev/shm.
  5. Using pkcs11 client on key storage computer, transfer private key to HSM.

1.2.5. Key backup displacement

  1. One tamper bag containing the USB pendrive and yubikey goes to a safe in the GEANT Amsterdam office.
  2. One tamper bag containing the USB pendrive and yubikey goes to a safe in the GARR Rome office.

1.2.6. Key generation command sequence

eduGAIN Key generation commands
#Check correct date on the box
alias getCode='/usr/local/keykeeper/bin/'

# Plug in generator
# Start random genrator
rc-service rngd start
ps auxww | grep '[r]ngd'

# Check entropy strength
dd if=/dev/ttyUSB0 bs=4000 count=250 iflag=fullblock | ent

# Enter secure directory. Will be cleaned after reboot.
cd /dev/shm

# Configure teh Yubikey into " Static Password Mode."
# Create a random " Secret Key"
openssl rand -hex 16 | awk '{printf "%s", $1}' > /dev/shm/SecretKey
ls -la  /dev/shm/SecretKey
wc -m /dev/shm/SecretKey
# Insert 1 Yubikey
ykpersonalize -y -1 -oappend-cr -ostatic-ticket -ostrong-pw1 -ostrong-pw2 -oman-update -a$(cat /dev/shm/SecretKey) >/dev/null || echo FAIL
# Insert 2 Yubikey
ykpersonalize -y -1 -oappend-cr -ostatic-ticket -ostrong-pw1 -ostrong-pw2 -oman-update -a$(cat /dev/shm/SecretKey) >/dev/null || echo FAIL

#Remove SecretKey
rm /dev/shm/SecretKey && echo Key removed || echo FAIL

# Create a openssl.conf to get CA flag into cert
cat > openssl.cnf << EOF
[ v3_ca ]
basicConstraints = critical,CA:true

# Create RSA key
getCode | openssl genpkey -aes-256-cbc -pass stdin -algorithm rsa -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096 -out /dev/shm/edugain_rsa.key && echo Key created || echo FAIL
# Create RSA cert-request
getCode | openssl req -new -passin stdin -key /dev/shm/edugain_rsa.key -out edugain_rsa.req -subj "/O=GEANT/CN=eduGAIN RSA Signer CA 2022" && echo Request created || echo FAIL
# Sign RSA Cert
getCode | openssl x509 -req -passin stdin -days 7305 -in edugain_rsa.req -signkey /dev/shm/edugain_rsa.key -out edugain_rsa.crt -extfile openssl.cnf -extensions v3_ca  && echo Certificate created || echo FAIL

# Create EC key
getCode | openssl genpkey -aes-256-cbc -pass stdin -algorithm ed25519 -out /dev/shm/edugain_ecc.key && echo Key created || echo FAIL
# Create EC cert-request
getCode | openssl req -new -passin stdin -key /dev/shm/edugain_ecc.key -out edugain_ecc.req -subj "/O=GEANT/CN=eduGAIN ECC Signer CA 2022" && echo Request created || echo FAIL
# Create EC cert-request
getCode | openssl x509 -req -passin stdin -days 7305 -in edugain_ecc.req -signkey /dev/shm/edugain_ecc.key -out edugain_ecc.crt -extfile openssl.cnf -extensions v3_ca && echo Certificate created || echo FAIL

# Verify Keys / Certs
openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in /dev/shm/edugain_rsa.crt | openssl sha256
getCode | openssl rsa -passin stdin -noout -modulus -in /dev/shm/edugain_rsa.key | openssl sha256 
openssl x509 -noout -text -in /dev/shm/edugain_ecc.crt | egrep -A 4 "ED25519 Public-Key" | sed 's/^ *//g'
getCode | openssl pkey -passin stdin -noout -in /dev/shm/edugain_ecc.key -text_pub | sed 's/^ *//g' 

# Show that the Keys are encrypted
grep -- "-" *.key

#Show RSA cert
openssl x509 -in /dev/shm/edugain_rsa.crt

echo -e "\nFingerprint" && \
openssl x509 -noout -in /dev/shm/edugain_rsa.crt -fingerprint -sha256 && \
echo -e "\nSubject" && \
openssl x509 -noout -in /dev/shm/edugain_rsa.crt -issuer -subject && \
echo "" && \
openssl x509 -noout -in /dev/shm/edugain_rsa.crt -text | grep -A2 Valid

# Same thing with EC
openssl x509 -in edugain_ecc.crt

echo -e "\nFingerprint" && \
openssl x509 -noout -in edugain_ecc.crt -fingerprint -sha256 && \
echo -e "\nSubject" && \
openssl x509 -noout -in edugain_ecc.crt -issuer -subject && \
echo "" && \
openssl x509 -noout -in edugain_ecc.crt -text | grep -A2 Valid

# Show checksum before copy
sha256sum edugain_rsa.crt edugain_rsa.key edugain_ecc.crt edugain_ecc.key

#Mount and copy
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt || echo "Fail to mount"
cp edugain_rsa.crt edugain_rsa.key edugain_ecc.crt edugain_ecc.key /mnt || echo "Fail to copy files"
sha256sum /mnt/edugain_rsa.crt /mnt/edugain_rsa.key /mnt/edugain_ecc.crt /mnt/edugain_ecc.key
umount /mnt || echo "Fail to umount"

# Next USB
#Mount and copy in one step
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1 && \
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt || echo "Fail to mount"

cp edugain_rsa.crt edugain_rsa.key edugain_ecc.crt edugain_ecc.key /mnt || echo "Fail to copy files" && \
sha256sum /mnt/edugain_rsa.crt /mnt/edugain_rsa.key /mnt/edugain_ecc.crt /mnt/edugain_ecc.key && \
umount /mnt || echo "Fail to umount"

# Next USB
#Mount and copy in one step
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1 && \
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt || echo "Fail to mount"

cp edugain_rsa.crt edugain_ecc.crt  /mnt || echo "Fail to copy files" && \
sha256sum /mnt/edugain_rsa.crt /mnt/edugain_ecc.crt && \
umount /mnt || echo "Fail to umount"

# Check that /mnt is empty ant nothing got copied here by mistake
ls /mnt

#Boot outside serverhall
#Setup getCode again
alias getCode='/usr/local/keykeeper/bin/'

#Move into /dev/shm
cd /dev/shm

# remount usbstick with key on it
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt || echo "Fail to mount"

# export cleartext into /dev/shm/edugain_rsa.clear to be able to import
getCode |openssl rsa -passin stdin -in /mnt/edugain_rsa.key -out /dev/shm/edugain_rsa.clear

#Import key
/usr/safenet/lunaclient/bin/cmu importkey -in /dev/shm/edugain_rsa.clear -keyalg RSA -setkeyattr CKA_SIGN
#Import cert
/usr/safenet/lunaclient/bin/cmu import -inputFile /mnt/edugain_rsa.crt -label edugain_rsa

# list handles
/usr/safenet/lunaclient/bin/cmu list 

Yubikey code reader:

1.3. Supporting Evidence

1.3.1. SUNET Stokholm Office

1.3.2. GEANT Amsterdam Office

1.3.3. GARR Rome Office

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