eduGAIN Steering Group Meeting

Wednesday 25th May 2016 - 14:30 - 16:00 CEST (in your timezone)

Please Note that the above time is NOW CONFIRMED. A consultation period starting with a meeting on Wednesday 4th May will begin ahead of this meeting.

14:00Arrival & "Can you hear me now?" via
14:30Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Agreement
14:45Revision of the eduGAIN Policy Framework
  • A technology agnostic eduGAIN Constitution
  • A view on “Executive” Governance
  • Revision of the eduGAIN Declaration
  • The need for the storage of paper Declarations
  • Do we have a 2/3rds majority? eVoting.

eduGAIN Recommending vs Encouraging Behaviour of Federations

  • isRequired=true
  • R&S
15:45Evolution of the GÉANT project (GN4-2)
  • Role of the OT
  • Creation of new services

Summary of Current Status


Any other Business


Summary, Actions and Close (or we're running over time).


Guest Participants: Nicole Harris (GN4/SA5/T1 - Trust and Identity Task Leader)

Federations in Attendance:

  • No labels