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6th meeting - 26 Augustus 2014 @ 16.00 CEST

7th meeting - 16 September 2014 @16.00 CEST

Next coming:in two weeks

Thursday, 9 October 2014 - 9.00-17.00 CEST

Face to face meeting TBC in Amsterdam, Netherlands




 8.30-9.00 - Arrival, coffee

9.00-9.30 - Welcome, approval of the agenda, AoB (Peter)

9.30-10.30 - Scope and objectives (Peter, Eli, Giannis)

High-level service concept, targeted user groups, service specification, development phases, what to achieve by the end of the year


 10.30-11.00 Coffee

11.00-12.30 - Service specification (Eli, Kostas)

Metadata schema (IEEE LOM), mandatory/optional fields, taxonomy and simple vocabulary, scalability, metadata mapping, application profile, aggregation engine (OAI-PMH), content providers/repositories


 12.30-13.30 Lunch, sandwiches on site

13.30-14.30 - Service features and web demonstrator (Eli, Vicente, Kostas)

Basic and advanced search, dynamic tag cloud, thumbnails, direct URL, categories, languages, CC licensing, paradata collection (not aggregation), what is the MUST and what can realistically be done


14.30-15.00 - Web front-end development (Vicente)

What is there, what can be re-used, what needs to be developed, integrations, resources needed, time-frame, deadlines, dependencies


 15.00-15.30 Coffee

15.30-16.30 - Future roadmap, beyond the pilot (Peter, all)

API, search widget, LMS (Moodle) integration, MOOC integration, Openeducationeuropa contributions, RSS, YouTube channels, dashboard for providers, AAI integration, social media, mobile apps, peer review system, personal collections, etc.


16.30-17.00 - Promotion and marketing (Nelson)

How to communicate, how to prodictize, how to migrate to GN4, how to talk to users/providers/EC/NRENs, tailored messages.


 17.00 End of the day

~19.00 should be your earliest departure time

PS: VC will be available for remote participation



title7th meeting








title6th meeting

Attendees: Eli, Giannis, Kostas, Nelson, Peter, Sygita


1) Contributions from IUCC and GRNET (Eli and Giannis)

2) Face to face meeting (Peter)

3) Aggregation engine update (Kostas)

4) GN4 SA8 propoal (Peter)

5) AoB



1) Contributions from IUCC and GRNET (Eli and Giannis)


Peter: happy with the content of the first draft - should be merged together to have one overview on the pilot

  • IUCCs contribution - good overview on the current state and describes the services
  • GRNET - focused more on the technical details


Eli: What we have in our doc now (welcomes feedback):

  • 1 part: introduction of the OER, definition; move to the background of the TERENA OER project and motivation; at last what kind of projects there are;
  • 2 part: explanation of what kind of project TERENA project would be.
  • 4 LAYERS:

1. Metadata (what kind is needed, based on TERENA survey?)

2. Paradata (comments, user ratings, tags, etc.)

3. Connectivity (connected to libraries, other depositories outside of the main project)

4. Community (social media, creation of the community)

Some of this will be done in the first phase, some in the second.

Wide project, narrow core - unique project, dealing with a lot of issues on the European level

Will be able to connect with many organisations outside of the core of this project

Survey - very important, could be added as an annex or otherwise integrate.

Document also sent to some OER experts


Peter: How can this be merged with the GRNET contribution?


Giannis: Comments on IUCC document: Good basis

Would be good to provide the scope at the beginning of this merged document

3 main objectives:

  • provide the specifications for the system, will provide the design and developing phases of the project
  • clear specifications most important
  • and that it can be used for communication

For specifications: user stories, personas, mockups -> done already, so can easily be included

Q: mandatory subject element - proposed or strongly recommended? we don’t have the subject element in many cases


Eli: all the second part of the doc is opened to discussion, mainly the metadata; some based on the survey; metadata field taken from one of the documents discussed in the past, but it has to be edited together need to understand the scale of the project and other relevant details

Survey and previous discussion can/should be added to the document


Giannis: agree that it could be an appendix together with other long tables

Q: Nothing mentioned about vocabularies?


Eli: if we use the (LOM?) then cannot use anything other this is something that needs to be discussed knows a specialist that can help


Giannis: should include a section about this in the document include some options that we have this part can be connected to the user stories and search and browser functionalities


Eli: vocabulary is relevant to how you add the materials to the system - technology issue, how to implement it, and the filters - might be the best if we can have as many as we can filters and vocabulary


Giannis: also the need to define mappings and to make transformations - need to decide whether it will be done automatically or manually - if manually someone has to take over this task


Eli: how many layers? 2 or 3? effective for the users


Giannis: this can simplify the work but the work of transportation will still be needed this has to be foreseen for the future


Peter: this issue can be left for the face to face meeting - agreement on this is needed


Giannis: we need to define the reference classification at this stage - for as many layers as needed


Peter: maybe skip for phase one, introduce later


Giannis: educational levels - could we also target vocational education?


Eli: should be open to everybody so we can say “higher education and any other users”


Peter: we narrowed down the scope - education in general, focused on higher education (primary focus of most of the NRENs), and focus on those, where the NRENs are active in - could be extended as a next step


Giannis: target audience - does not come up in the proposed schema


Elis: target audience is important to users in the higher education and outside; open to discussion and we have to see what you can implement having a target audience filter is important in the end of the process we might understand that there is no need for this we can take it out, but i believe that it is needed can be mandatory, optional or recommended

Kostas: difference between location element and url element?


Eli: sometimes there is a difference [explains] - [url issue and other should be part of the face to face meeting]


Giannis: two cases - page where resources shown and where resource can be accessed at


Eli: has doubt about the LOM is it would be used, but those who will do the implementation should be part of the face to face meeting; need to agree on the mandatory


Giannis: maybe include a section with other options to LOM?


Kostas: Keeping the balance on the mandatory elements - nice to have as many elements as we need, but from aggregation side is makes it very strict, a lot of metadata will be dropped out, need to find a balance


Giannis: we will not be able to have more than 5-10 elements as mandatory


Eli: if we are leading the way, we need to make a standard; this needs to be discussed based on what the user will get - problem with global - almost no metadata and too much unnecessary material TERENA should recommend the standards

at first maybe 5-10 mandatory fields, but recommend to have more


Giannis: agreed, but need to keep the balance


Giannis: what are the dates of the phase 1&2?


Peter: TERENA pilot - phase one is the one we can implement, the rest will be the “afterlife” of the pilot, in GN4


2) Face to face meeting (Peter)

Peter: need a date

Nelson: who will pay for this?

Peter: preferably your org pays, but could be covered by TERENA (limited number of trips)

Option 1: 25-26 September

Option 2: after 7 October

Will set up a doodle.


3) Aggregation engine update (Kostas)

Currently the Ariadne engine is harvesting about 13 repositories. The detailed statistics can be examined at

4) GN4 SA8 propoal (Peter)

Peter have been appointed to be the Activity Leader of the new SA8 service activity on "Real-time communications and Media Management services" in GN4 (starting in April 2015).

There are three tasks:

  • Real-time video services (former eduCONF)
  • WebRTC roadmap
  • OER development

Task 3 is to take over the TERENA OER pilot results in April and develop that furter toward a production service of GÉANT. Kostas (GRNET) will be the task leader of that.

5) AoB

Nelson produced a DRAFT plan for the promotioal activity of TERENA OER. The document will be circulated for further comments. 

Peter noted that the pr and marketing efforts must be aligned and incuded in the pilot early on. Nelson's contribution is very much appreciated and will be part of the initial study.
