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title11th meeting


Eli, Vicente, Kostas, Adam, Peter


1) Kostas showed the statisitcal interface of the back-end.

  • 6+1 repositories are harvested using both RSS and OAI-PMH protocols. Public iTunesU targets are also harvested via RSS.
  • Documentation for content providers are available. More explanation to them is needed on how and where resources are not harvested or filtered out.
  • All together about 22k resources are harvested of which 12k are filtered in (i.e. shown in the portal).
  • 4 languages are available: English, Spanish, Hungarian and Greek (Protuguese is coming)

2) Vicente showed the front-endportal.

  • Categories based on subject field, Most viewed and Recenty added lists on the front page.
  • Both full text Google search and PuMuKit-based faceted searches are available.
  • Embeded player is not always possible (depends on what the repository owner provides)
  • Videotorium subject fields need to be translated
  • Video duration is not available everywhere
  • Some glitches here and there but good for a demonstration

Adam explained the vocabulary that Videotorim use for the subject element:

  • Translation between this vocabular and the UNESCO vocabulary used by the GÉANT OER aggregator can be done. Adam looks after this.
  • In general, we have two options: a) ask the content providers to comply with UNESCO, b) provide translation. TBC.

3) Peter elaborated on the next steps

  • Pilot is considered to be done. KPIs all met. Will be reported to TTC by Peter.
  • Final documentation will be compiled and distributed for comments by Peter. (Deadline: end of February)
  • Portal will be demoed at the GÉANT Symposium and possible possibly at TNC'15
  • Until the beginning of GN4 (April 2015) the team is off
  • Anyhow, we should keep the momentum and discuss on the mailing list (on a volunatry basis until April)
  • GN4 SA8 Task 3 will pick the results up and take the OER service to the next level.

Everyones' efforts and hard work are very much appreciated!
