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TTC Meeting, Amsterdam
10th February 2014


  1. Welcome, introductions, agenda
  2. Approval of Minutes:
  3. Review of Outstanding Action Points
  4. Secretariat reports
    4.1. TF-MNM re-chartering (Nicole Harris)
    4.2. TF-WebRTC report (Peter Szegedi)
    4.3. OER pilot delivery  (Peter Szegedi)
    4.4. REFEDS update (Nicole Harris and Licia Florio)
    4.5. AARC (Licia Florio)
    4.6. MAGIC (Brook Schofield)
    4.7. E4ERA (John Dyer)
    4.8. TF-MSP Joined Procurement (John Dyer)
  5. Initial set of topics for the TAC discussion at TNC15
  6. Green house discussion (Licia Florio and Nicole Harris)
  7. European Workshop on Trust and Identity (working with Rainer Hörbe) (Nicole Harris)
  8. TTC Member updates
    8.1. "HE Media Services" (Vincente Goyanes)
  9. AOB

Participants: Michael Enrico (ME), Peter Schober (PSc), Peter Szegedi (PSz), Vincente Goyanes (VG), Alessandra Scicchitano (AS), Rob Evans (RE), Laura Durnford (LD), Licia Florio (LF), Yannis Mitsos (YM), Valentino Cavalli (VC), Valter Nordh (VN), David Groep (DG), Brook Schofield (BS), Nicole Harris (NH), John Dyer (JD)










Re-consider a joined task force meeting in 2016

To be revisited




ISM SIG to provide charter with more clearly defined and elaborated objectives

AS sent an email with the changes made so far. TTC questioned the proposal that ISM SIG could be a closed group. AS informed that the group intends to be fully opened up later and that it is not entirely closed - CERN can apply and the steering committee would decide case by case. TTC felt that if there is selection, clearer criteria are needed. However, SIG is not a TF – it should be more open and inclusive, especially because no sensitive information to be shared on that list.

Action (updated from 20140929-3):

1. AS to convey the comments of the TTC to the Steering Committee

2. TTC to continue this discussion online.




Explore alternative VC meeting system for the TTC members to use

Either technology depending on the room can be used - problem with the end side, so if anyone wants to participate remotely, we can discuss it with them separately



(Discussion postponed)



Improve TFs’ communication by using (TERENA) social media channels in a coordinated way


a) a strategy to reach the unknowns (Comms staff - JD to share some ideas during the next TTC);

b) a way to make the outcome of the community work easy to read for everybody. Each PDO is encouraged to share the main results of the TFs via social medias.






To contact YM and PSc for Phase 2 of TCS

AS gave a brief update on the status of the new service, informing that Phase 1 has successfully ended and Phase 2 started with 3 NRENs testing the APIs. Phase 3 will start on 1 March, anyone will be able to join, but will have to pay. AS had a meeting with the NRENs to explain the process, received positive feedback.





To report on the management team decision on how to progress with the green house project


Reported later in the meeting





To report on the EGI pilot to ensure eduGAIN team is in the loop.


Reported, slides distributed.

LD suggested that it would be good to have a news item about it for the Connect magazine, DG agreed.

Action: LD to follow up on this






To have an agenda item for the next TTC to start the preparation for the TAC







To confirm the date for the next TTC




 3 4. Secretariat reports


34.1. TF-MNM re-chartering – Nicole Harris


TTC approved the ToR. Re-approval due in September 2016.


34.2. TF-WebRTC report – Peter Szegedi


PSz noted that the next meeting will be held in April in Budapest, already attracted sufficient interest.


34.3. OER Pilot delivery – Peter Szegedi


VN inquired about the means of communications to be used to disseminate information about the OER. PSz informed that there was someone working on the PR message throughout the project, some materials are already prepared and will be used. LD added that a PeaR news item will come out next week.


34.4. REFEDS update – Nicole Harris and Licia Florio


NH also noted that a new plan is in place for this year.


34.5. AARC – Licia Florio

LF reported on AARC (Authentication and Authorization for Research and Collaboration) - a two year project, funding for which (€3M) has recently been granted by the EC. 19 funded partner organizations will contribute to AARC. At the moment the project is in the grant preparation phase, some details need to be improved. LF noted that AARC is complementary to GÉANT - it involves not only NRENs, but also libraries and other organizations and institutions. There are 5 work packages:


It is expected that if all required documentation will be signed in time, the project will start on May 1, 2015.


34.6. MAGIC – Brook Schofield

BS reported on MAGIC - the successor to the successful ELCIRA project ( which will expand its geographic coverage during its 2015-2017 lifetime with €1.4M in funding across 20 global partners to support eduroam, Federated Identity and eduGAIN (WP2), Cloud Provisioning and GroupWare (WP3), Real-Time Collaboration services such as SIP, and WebRTC (WP4) and supporting Global Science Communities (WP5).


34.7. E4ERA – John Dyer

JD reported that E4ERA bid for the EC funding was not successful.  The main idea of the project was bringing together e-Infrastructures providers with the users. JD noted that there is a meeting scheduled to discuss how to proceed and whether there is a way to go on with the project in some other way.


34.8. TF-MSP Joined procurement – John Dyer

JD reported that at the moment, much procurement is done individually, although bringing them together would give a larger bargaining power. To discuss a possibility of joined procurements a meeting is being organized in March in Amsterdam. It will be an opened meeting, everyone is welcome to attend – it will be announced in PeaR next week. Also, a wiki page supporting this activity is currently being created - information will be made available for everyone from the community (access will be given upon request).


45. Initial set of topics for the TAC discussion at TNC15


Action: It was agreed to have a video conference meeting on March 9, 2015 (14:00 – 16:00) to discuss the topics for the TAC session at TNC15 again, in preparation for which the TTC members will reconsider the list and consult other members of their organization.


56. Greenhouse project – Licia Florio and Nicole Harris


NH also noted that it is important to identify the right approach – there is a need to better understand what to focus on, looking at the projects that are not funded by the GÉANT Project, to have something that is community driven as a starting point.


67. European Workshop on Trust and Identity – Nicole Harris


TTC strongly supported the idea and encouraged further collaboration.


78. TTC Member updates


78.1. “HE Media Services” by Vincente Goyanes


It was decided to leave this question up to the staff of GÉANT Association Amsterdam to decide whether and how to proceed further.


89. AOB

The date for the next TTC meeting – TBC.

VN closed the meeting.


910. Summary of New and Open action points










Re-consider a joined task force meeting in 2016

To be revisited






Improve TFs’ communication by using (TERENA) social media channels in a coordinated way


a) a strategy to reach the unknowns (Comms staff - JD to share some ideas during the next TTC);

b) a way to make the outcome of the community work easy to read for everybody. Each PDO is encouraged to share the main results of the TFs via social medias.






1. AS to convey the comments of the TTC to the ISM SIG Steering Committee

2. TTC to continue this discussion online

UPDATED from action 20140929-3 (ISM SIG to provide charter)




Follow up on the news item about the EGI pilot for the Connect magazine





Consider the list of topics for the TAC, consult home organizations, discuss the topics during a separate meeting

TTC meeting (VC) regarding TAC topics: 9 March 14:00-16:00


