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  • ACTION 1 on Ilias (WP3) to include the GÉANT TURN Service pilot in the Up2U architecture design as a potential solution.

  • ACTION 2 on Allan (WP4) to investigate what WebRTC-based tool can easily be integrated with the current Moodle platform to provide instant real-time communication option for the users. Think about the example how Trello integrates Google Hangout to each board. We need something similar to each class in Moodle.

  • ACTION 3 on Marco (WP5) to coordinate the surveying exercise not only in Italy but also in the other pilot countries too. Talk to the community managers in the pilot countries, get the surveys translated to local language (if need) and sent them out ASAP!

  • ACTION 4 on Nelson (WP2) and Allan (WP4) to give admin access to Nelson and customize the theme for Up2U.

  • ACTION 5 on Peter (GÉANT), Eli (IUCC), Thodoros (NTUA) to set up a meeting with Moodle.

  • ACTION 6 on Allan (WP4) to build the developers team! There are potential developers at OU, PSNC, IUCC, GRNET, TELTEK, ownCloud, etc.. We should gather them and mobilize!

  • ACTION 7 on Ilias (WP3) to restructure, maintain and make available the Architecture Straw-man document (preferably via the Wiki).

  • ACTION 8 on Allan (WP4) to progress with the federated login solution to Moodle and invite people for testing.

  • ACTION 9 on Vicente (WP8) to design models and define requirements who third-party commercial (full-stack) applications can be integrated to the Up2U platform using it as a "delivery vehicle" towards the users.

  • ACTION 10 on Mary (WP4) to investigate the SiLeCon tool integration details with Moodle.



Public ACTIONS from the closed Up2U Board Meeting

1) Up2U objective and key results (OKRs) must be defined, all work packages should have their own OKRs linked to the Up2U OKRs and also cascaded down to the task level. Progress should be measured.

2) Board should meet face-to-face at least once a year. Board should attend the MT meetings at least quarterly to get some first-hand insight into the work of the MT.

3) The Board encourages the MT and the WP leaders to achieve more cross-pollination between WPs and better communicate downstream. Not only Trello but private Wiki spaces are needed per WP to collect consolidated information.

4) The Board encourages all the partners to comply with the quarterly financial reporting practice.

5) Peter to start the process of reviewing and rearranging budget for partners. Partners' contributions to WPs as well as travel budgets must be fixed.

6) WP5 leaders to organize a meeting with the Board members and explain/clarify the purpose and structure of the SMC.


Day 1 - Joint session


12) App integration

Investigate the Moodle integration of ownCloud. How to provision storage spaces to classes in Moodle? ownCloud developers should be on board.

From the users point of view, the landing page now should be Worldpress pointing to Moodle.

TELTEK personal recorder could be considered as an external tool provided by a commercial company. Figure out the commercial conditions and details. What requirements we need towards them. Let's use TELTEK as our internal pilot.

- ACTION 9 on Vicente (TELTEK) to design models and define requirements who third-party commercial (full-stack) applications can be integrated to the Up2U platform using it as a "delivery vehicle" towards the users.

We still need an internal, modular, integrated recording tool in Up2U. SiLeCon of NTUA is there.

- ACTION 10 on Mary (NTUA) to investigate the SiLeCon tool integration details with Moodle.

Enrico (CERN) showed an excellent example of how CERN uses the Jupyter tool for their student internship project. This use case can be adapted to a fully vitalized environment (i.e without CERN visit) using the same tool in Up2U environment.

ACTIONS from the CLOSED Up2U Board Meeting

1) Up2U objective and key results (OKRs) must be defined, all work packages should have their own OKRs linked to the Up2U OKRs and also cascaded down to the task level. Progress should be measured.
2) Board should meet face-to-face at least once a year. Board should attend the MT meetings at least quarterly to get some first-hand insight into the work of the MT.
3) The Board encourages the MT and the WP leaders to achieve more cross-pollination between WPs and better communicate downstream. Not only Trello but private Wiki spaces are needed per WP to collect consolidated information.
4) The Board encourages all the partners to comply with the quarterly financial reporting practice.
5) Peter to start the process of reviewing and rearranging budget for partners. Partners' contributions to WPs as well as travel budgets must be fixed.
6) WP5 leaders to organize a meeting with the Board members and explain/clarify the purpose and structure of the SMC.