
Michael Schmidt

Casper Dreef

Vlado Pribolšan

Pål Axelsson

Brook Schofield


Wolfgang Pempe busy

Nicole Harris ???

Pending Actions

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
Casper Dreef2021-01-18 Service Support Weekly Meeting
Michael Schmidt2020-02-24 Service Support Weekly Meeting
Michael Schmidt2020-02-24 Service Support Weekly Meeting
  • Check with Nicole/Marina/Licia regarding the duplicate dashboard Michael Schmidt
Michael Schmidt2019-12-09 Service Support Weekly Meeting


OLA and DPA Casper Dreef Michael Schmidt Vlado Pribolšan

  • OLA Michael Schmidt
  • DPA Vlado Pribolšan
    • Work continued on technical annex, making good progress
    • Since there is a lot of legal content in the document, Vlado will double check the sharing strategy discussed last time with Nicole → waiting for an answer
    • Still waiting for Miro

GDPR & Service Status Dashboard Nicole Harris Vlado Pribolšan

  • Still waiting for Marina/Licia to give their opinion on the SDTP duplicates

Policy and Governance - eduGAIN Pål Axelsson

Policy and Governance - eduroam Wolfgang PempeMichael Schmidt Brook Schofield

  • Vlado was added to Miro list, but not approved yet. Only Miro can approve new people.
  • Candidates for the GEGC need to be approved, will be done soon

Policy: CoCo Nicole Harris Pål Axelsson Wolfgang Pempe 

  • Webinar for end users in December as required by the EU, invites will be sent out somewhen next week to a selected group of key people
  • Ongoing legal discussions...

Other topics

  • Nothing

Next meeting