Tools to process Metadata

Shibboleth Metadata Aggregator

The Shibboleth Metadata Aggregator provides a command line tool and REST-based web service to support publishers and consumers of metadata. Officially it is still under development and not yet a finished product. It is however used already in production by several major identity federations. Its draft documentation is available in the Shibboleth Wiki. The software is written in Java Spring.

Shibboleth XML Sec Tool

The XmlSecTool is a Java command line tool to download, check and sign XML documents. It can check well-formedness, schema validity and signature of an XML document. In comparison to the Shibboleth Metadata Aggregator the focus is really on validating and signing metadata.

pyFF metadata aggregator

pyFF is a SAML metadata aggregator written in Python. The code is available on GitHub. Its configuration is considered by some to be much easier than that of the Shibboleth Metadata Aggregator. Like the Shib MDA it can talk to HSMs and Tokens via PKCS11.

Metadata Validator

The eduGAIN Metadata Validtor is a web application (operated by GEANT) that allows you to check metadata files against the metadata profile rules of eduGAIN.

Other Tools

Interfederated Demo Services

The services below can be used as test services in order to check if the attribute release from an Identity Provider to a service in a foreign federation works correctly.

Metadata Explorers

The tools listed below can be used to search and inspect the content of SAML metadata in a human readable way.

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