- Created by Susanne Nägele-Jackson, last modified by Claudia Torres on Feb 11, 2025
March 19, 2025
Network Technologies Workshop
This infoshare describes the work that is performed in Technology Task (Task 1) of the Network Development Work Package (WP6) of the GN5-2 project. Task 1 focuses on network infrastructure technologies, both those used in the GÉANT network and those in the networks of partner organisations, from the perspective of the services they enable, their status, usage and operation, and their further evolution. Read more...
February 12, 2025
WP6 Incubator Infoshare
The incubation process in the Network Development Work Package (WP6) of the GÉANT project provides a mechanism for including new work during the life of the project in an agile manner (with little administrative work). Testing of new ideas, proofs of concept and training can be carried out and the results presented to the community. This infoshare will present the incubator process and how to apply. Read more...
February 10, 2025
Infoshare: Global Platform for Labs (GP4L)
Join us for an exciting virtual infoshare session where we'll explore the latest activities related to GP4L (the Global Platform for Labs). We will talk about
- The main concepts and benefits related to GP4L
- How to leverage the GP4L testbed to create flexible and adaptable networks
- Use cases and success stories from the GP4L labs
- The future directions of GP4L
Don't miss this opportunity to connect with the GP4L team, ask questions, and gain valuable insights. Read more...
December 19, 2024
GÉANT Infoshare: RARE/FreeRTR Use Case: Open-Source Implementation of 5G User Plane Function (UPF)
The main function of UPF in 5G is the routing of traffic between the Radio Access Network (RAN) and other external networks. The RARE/FreeRTR use case not only offers the advantage that UPF packet processing can be offloaded for improved performance but also allows full control of traffic. The UPF implementation developed in the RARE/FreeRTR use case employs the Packet Forwarding Control Protocol (PFCP) to communicate with the 5G Session Management Function (SMF) that is responsible for monitoring and managing PDU sessions. Forwarding and tunnelling of user data is achieved with the GPRS Tunnelling Protocol (GTP) and its encapsulation/decapsulation. Read more...
December 18, 2024
Infoshare: AI Chatbot for the GÉANT eAcademy
A Chatbot is a computer programme that simulates and processes human conversation, allowing humans to interact with digital devices, systems and platforms as if they were communicating with a real person. With the recent rise of Artificial Intelligence, these interactive assistants can be found almost everywhere to answer basic questions on services, invoices, incidents, etc. The NETDEV Incubator team, together with the Network eAcademy and the GLAD teams have been developing and experimenting with a new AI Chatbot, initially including it in the Network eAcademy training tracks on a testbed website, and with the aim of potentially extending it to other tracks in the GÉANT eAcademy.
In this Infoshare, the NETDEV incubator team will present the work developed to create and include an AI Chatbot in the Network eAcademy training tracks both from the user and from the service provider perspective. Read more...
December 17, 2024
Infoshare: What's New in the Network eAcademy?
The Network eAcademy keeps expanding its reach and growing, with new educational resources, additional learning units, and entire new tracks. In this Infoshare, we will give details about the recently created Quantum Tech eAcademy and Optical Time & Frequency Networks (OTFN) eAcademy, as well as updates on various developments as the Artificial Intelligence (AI) section in the Network Automation eAcademy. The Infoshare will also serve as the ground for discussion about future developments and needs of the Research and Education Community that can be addresses through the Network eAcademy. Read more...
December 5, 2024
NREN Fibre Infrastructure for Sensing
From an individual NREN perspective, fibre sensing has synergies with existing technologies that NRENs already have installed and provide as services in their networks. With fibre sensing, NRENs can detect physical changes in their networks. This is important for both time and frequency distribution and quantum networking, as well as for security and operational requirements. Detected disturbances – discovered through fibre sensing – can be used to correct the optical signals that are sent. Fibre sensing also helps to pinpoint disturbances or intrusions on the cables that the operational teams rely upon for connectivity and thus facilitates the protection of critical infrastructure. Read more...
November 5, 2024
Infoshare: Telemetry Module for the Workflow Orchestrator
Traditional monitoring of network devices was done by SNMP, however this was resource intensive for the router and slow. In recent years the gNMI interface has evolved into a mature alternative to SNMP. This interface allows users to stream data, at a very high resolution, from routers with a relatively low performance impact on the device. This paradigm shift in collecting monitoring data from devices has the potential to unlock new use-cases in how you could operate your network. When increasing the resolution of network telemetry, operators will need a scalable platform that can handle the increased number of events generated by the devices. Read more...
September 25, 2024
Infoshare: NREN QKD Networks
With NRENs involved in national quantum technologies projects and initiatives, the Network Development Work Package (WP6) of the GÉANT 5-1 project is bringing an infoshare focused on existing NREN Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) networks, their implementations, their experiences, challenges and lessons learnt. Read more...
July 17, 2024
Infoshare: QKD Long-Distance Trials
This infoshare focuses on the latest experiences with long-distance QKD network trials and experiments.
In one of the experiments three different QKD testbeds were interconnected across Spain, Germany and Poland as part of the OPENQKD project. The second work describes the recent collaboration between Toshiba and GÉANT on implementing a long-distance quantum cryptography experiment. This experiment was conducted over a 254 km telecom network testbed provided by GÉANT, spanning from Frankfurt to Kehl.
May 14, 2024
4th European perfSONAR User Workshop
The Fourth European perfSONAR User Workshop will bring together perfSONAR user and developer communities to explore use cases for the toolkit, share best practices, and discuss future features and the perfSONAR development roadmap.
The Workshop is being organised by the GÉANT GN5.1 project, Work Package 6 "Network Development", including the perfSONAR development team within Task 3.
perfSONAR is a network measurement toolkit designed to provide federated coverage of paths and help establish end-to-end usage expectations. There are 1000s of perfSONAR instances deployed worldwide, many of which are available for open testing of key measures of network performance. This global infrastructure helps to identify and isolate problems as they happen, making the role of supporting network users easier for engineering teams, and increasing productivity when utilising network resources.
The event is open to anyone with an interest in perfSONAR.
April 18, 2024
OAV Architecture Mapping Workshop
Analysing National Research and Education Network (NREN) architectures from an orchestration, automation and virtualisation (OAV) point of view using a common reference architecture helps align efforts between the NRENs, and find similarities in the way different functionalities and components are implemented, which in turn facilitates potential collaboration and future interoperability between organisations. The TM Forum Open Digital Architecture (ODA) was selected by the Network eAcademy team as a reference blueprint architecture that can be used for such cross-comparison. Several NRENs and GÉANT services have already mapped their architecture to the blueprint. This workshop will give some insights and help to map your own architectures, and will also be a place for discussion of OAV solutions and interoperability among the NRENs. Read more...
February 14, 2024
Network Performance and Monitoring Workshop
This Workshop is organised by the Monitoring task in the Network Development work package (WP6) of the GN5-1 project. Continuing from previous successful workshops, this new edition will bring together network operators, researchers and other members of the GÉANT and NREN community interested in network performance and monitoring, to present and discuss the future development of network performance and monitoring tools and platforms. Read more...
January 31, 2024
Infoshare: PTP Operational Issues
This infoshare will present insights into the deployment of the Precision Time Protocol (PTP). The main motivation for such a move are services and applications requiring higher levels of accuracy and precision in networks. As migrating from NTP to PTP may involve the introduction of new equipment and entail extensive planning, this exchange of experiences and lessons learnt is intended to bring new understanding and facilitate the process. Read more...
December 12 - 14, 2023
GÉANT Symposium 2023
Participants from the GN5-1 and GN5-IC1 projects come together for discussions around project progress against objectives, to ensure project plans continue to best reflect any changes in Europe’s highly dynamic environment, and for networking. Read more...
December 08, 2023
Relying on RARE for DDoS Attack Protection
Relying on RARE for DDoS Attack Protection - Demonstrating RARE Integration with GÉANT DDoS Attack Protection Services (FoD and NeMo Use Cases). Read more...
November 30, 2023
GÉANT Infoshare - NMaaS Virtual Labs for Education
NMaaS (Network Management as a Service) is a multi-tenant cloud-based platform for effortless, on-demand deployment of software tools and applications. Read more...
November 14-15, 2023
19th SIG-NOC Meeting
"The insights of your network. Do you see what I see?" Read more...
October 18, 2023
NANOG 89 - North American Network Operators' Group
NANOG is, and always has been, dedicated to the people who make up our community. Our tri-annual meetings draw up to 1,500 individuals in multiple facets of network engineering, operations, and architecture, who gather in major cities across North America. Read more...
September 18-22, 2023
2023 Internet2 Community Exchange
The Internet2 Network, Cloud Solutions, and Security Services are designed based on community input and needs. The program reflects research and education’s most pressing challenges and promising solutions, with topics submitted and presented by the community for the community.
The GN5-1 project Network Development work package (WP6) offers and provides support for using several tools that are addressing some of the recognized issues:
A Network Automation Tapas...
perfSONAR in GÉANT in 2023...
Deployment of Virtual Labs with NMaaS...
GP4L in GN 5-1...
June 26, 2023
29th STF Meeting
A meeting of NREN Access Port Managers (APMs). The primary purpose of the Services and Technology Forum (STF) is to provide the NREN APMs with the relevant GÉANT service and network information for dissemination within their respective NRENs so as to ensure each NREN is constantly updated with changes to those services that are of importance to a particular NREN. Agenda and Zoom VC details are on the STF Wiki page. Read more...
June 21, 2023
Infoshare: QKD and Quantum Solutions
Several vendors are invited to present an overview of their Quantum products and solutions providing together - their quantum portfolio and contact details for those that would like to know more. Read more...
May 23, 2023
GÉANT Infoshare - NETDEV Platforms
This infoshare will provide updates and future plans about the production service platforms - NMaaS and SPA and new developments in GP4Lab. Read more...
May 16-17, 2023
18th SIG-NOC Meeting
"The insights of your network. Do you see what I see?" Read more...
May 8-11, 2023
2023 Internet2 Community Exchange
The Internet2 Network, Cloud Solutions, and Security Services are designed based on community input and needs. The program reflects research and education’s most pressing challenges and promising solutions, with topics submitted and presented by the community for the community.
The Network eAcademy (NeA) team from the GÉANT project Network Development work package (WP6) offers and provides support for using several tools that are addressing some of the recognized issues:
An Orchestration, Automation and Virtualization (OAV)...
Apr 26, 2023
Network Technologies Workshop
Task 1 of Work Package 6 in GN5-1 is entitled "Technology" and focuses on three major research areas ranging from Quantum Technology, to Optical Time and Frequency Networks and RARE - Router for Academia, Research & Education. This workshop provides an overview of the ongoing work, the use cases that are being addressed and the roadmap that lies ahead within the current project phase. Read more...
Apr 14, 2023
Celebrating The World Quantum Day
On the World Quantum Day experts from several European NRENs will present their activities and projects related to quantum technologies. Through their short, lightning-talk like presentations, the participants will be able to learn about the current status of their activities, ongoing projects, meet the NREN experts and get instructions where to find more information. Read more...
Mar 29, 2023
GÉANT Infoshare - NETDEV Incubator
The incubation process created in the Network Development Work Package (WP6) of the GÉANT project provides a mechanism for including new work during the life of the project in an agile manner (with little administrative work). Testing of new ideas, proofs of concept and training can be carried out and the results presented to the community. This infoshare will present the incubator process and how to apply. Read more...
Jan 28, 2023
PTTI 2023
The Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications (PTTI) meeting is an annual conference sponsored by ION (Institute of Navigation) with a technical program designed to disseminate and coordinate PTTI information at the user level, review present and future PTTI requirements, inform government and industry engineers, technicians, and managers of precise time and frequency technology and its problems, and provide an opportunity for an active exchange of new technology associated with PTTI. Read more...
Dec 05-09, 2022
2022 Internet2 Technology Exchange Program. Internet2 is a community providing a secure high-speed network, cloud solutions, research support, and services tailored for research and education. Read more...
NOV 29, 2022
10th SIG-NGN (Next Generation Networking for Science) Meeting
SIG-NGN is the Special Interest Group on Next Generation Networks. This meeting is the10th meeting of the SIG and will be online. Read more...
Nov 28, 2022
GÉANT Infoshare: Argus
Argus is a tool for NOCs to aggregate and correlate incidents from all their monitoring applications into a single, unified dashboard and notification system. Read more...
Nov 25, 2022
Quantum Key Distribution Deployments
This infoshare will present feedback of a QKD deployment and the lab test performance results
- The implementation and performance of a QKD line between Warsaw and Poznan
- The results of the QKD performance lab testbed implemented by GÉANT. Read more...
Nov 24, 2022
In-band Network Telemetry
In this GÉANT infoshare we will present the latest results from the work in WP6 of the GÉANT GN4-3 project on In-band Network Telemetry (INT) using data plane programming.
Each packet in a set of e2e UDP flows between four sites in different NRENs (CESNET, GARR, GRNET) is measured, at capacities between 1 Mbps up to 1 Gbps using INT. The effect of transport in the core backbones on the timing profile of flows is quantified at the microsecond level. Read more...
Nov 16-17, 2022
17th SIG-NOC Meeting
"Kilowatt hour per Gigabyte - How hungry is your network?" Read more...
Oct 21, 2022
Maturity Model for Orchestration, Automation and Virtualisation
The GÉANT Project has worked in the creation of a Maturity Model to assess the orchestration, automation and virtualisation maturity for research and education institutions in different dimensions and with several stages. Join us to have a first glance of the maturity model, assess your organisation's maturity level and share your thoughts. Read more...
Oct 19-20, 2022
27th STF (Service & Technology Forum) Meeting
A meeting of NREN Access Port Managers (APMs). The primary purpose of the Services and Technology Forum (STF) is to provide the NREN APMs with the relevant GÉANT service and network information for dissemination within their respective NRENs so as to ensure each NREN is constantly updated with changes to those services that are of importance to a particular NREN. Read more...
Jun 21, 2022
Management and monitoring of time & frequency services
This Infoshare will focus on management and monitoring of time & frequency services. Topics that will be presented include White Rabbit deployment, management and monitoring, the management and monitoring of optical carrier transfer, the remote management of optical frequency dissemination equipment in amplifier sites and labs, the monitoring, lasing detection and avoidance in bidirectional TF channels, as well as the management of an ultra-stable frequency service over radio frequency modulation. Read more...
Jun 7, 2022
26th STF (Service & Technology Forum) Meeting
A meeting of NREN Access Port Managers (APMs). The primary purpose of the Services and Technology Forum (STF) is to provide the NREN APMs with the relevant GÉANT service and network information for dissemination within their respective NRENs so as to ensure each NREN is constantly updated with changes to those services that are of importance to a particular NREN. Read more...
May 24/25, 2022
3rd European perfSONAR User Workshop
The Third European perfSONAR User Workshop will follow on from the first two workshops (Second European perfSONAR User Workshop and the 2019 inaugural workshop in London) and will again bring together perfSONAR user and developer communities to explore use cases for the toolkit, to share best practices, and to discuss future features and the perfSONAR development roadmap. Read more...
May 4, 2022
Campus Network Management as a Service (CNaaS)
Several NRENs are offering Campus Network Management as a Service (CNaaS) to their connected institutions. Some of them, include the Wifi network of the Campus. Some of them are exploring possible collaborations with telecom operators to use 5G. Some lessons were learnt in the last 3 years. In this session, the latest news of the NRENs offering CNaaS services will be shared. Read more...
Apr 6, 2022
2nd Telemetry and Data Workshop
This workshop will target the way the monitoring data is collected and how to share the data:
- The first part will be related to telemetry and traditional vs streaming telemetry;
- The second part will present data plane programming telemetry (P4);
- The last part of this workshop will focus on how to share monitoring data between organisations in the research and education community. Read more...
Mar 8, 2022
2nd Performance Management Workshop
The Network Technologies and Services Evolution work package of the GÉANT GN4-3 project is organising a 2nd workshop on Performance Management. The first workshop was organised in Zagreb on 4th-5th March 2020.
The workshop will include presentations on and discussions of:
High speed network monitoring and data transfers (100G)
Monitoring data analytics and correlation.
Feb 16, 2022
25th STF (Service & Technology Forum) Meeting
A meeting of NREN Access Port Managers (APMs). The primary purpose of the Services and Technology Forum (STF) is to provide the NREN APMs with the relevant GÉANT service and network information for dissemination within their respective NRENs so as to ensure each NREN is constantly updated with changes to those services that are of importance to a particular NREN. Read more...
Dec 8, 2021
GÉANT Infoshare: White Box in NREN context
This infoshare will present the results of white box subtask within Network Technologies and Services Development work package of GN4-3. This subtask aimed to validate whether the white box solutions available on the market can be useful in an NREN context.
The strategy, defined in detail in [D6.3], is based on potential NREN use cases for which the white box solution is validated and then put into production if the outcome is acceptable to the NREN. Read more...
Nov 10, 2021
Introduction to WiFiMon for EaP NRENs
- WiFiMon - what is it? What is its purpose?
- Who can deploy and use it? In which environment can I use it?
- What do I need to install it? Possible obstacles and ways to circumvent those.
- Real experiences using WiFiMon.
- Q&A
Nov 3, 2021
Internet 2 TechEXtra21 perfSONAR Day
A. Delvaux (GÉANT/WP6), M.Feit (Internet2), "OS Change", Nov. 3, 2021 and Lightning Talk: L. Hrboka, "PMP Data Analysis". Read more...
Oct 26, 2021
24th STF (Service & Technology Forum) Meeting
A meeting of NREN Access Port Managers (APMs). The primary purpose of the Services and Technology Forum (STF) is to provide the NREN APMs with the relevant GÉANT service and network information for dissemination within their respective NRENs so as to ensure each NREN is constantly updated with changes to those services that are of importance to a particular NREN. T. Chown, X. Jeannin and R. Lapacz presented updates on WP6 services and development. Read more...
Oct 15, 2021
Quantum Key Distribution, Physical Implementation and Testbed
This infoshare will present different physical implementations of Quantum Key Distribution:
- The QKD implementation between Ostrava - Cieszyn
- The GÉANT QKD PoC between 2 GÉANT PoPs in collaboration with Toshiba
- The CESNET testbed
- The PSNC testbed
The objective is to show practical implementations and to answer NREN questions regarding potential deployment. The infoshare will also give the latest update on the European Quantum Communication Infrastructure call (QCI). Read more...
Oct 13, 2021
Quantum Key Distribution Simulation
Quantum Key Distribution is a technology at an early stage. A QKD link requires optical connection between the network nodes. For now, there are not many quantum hardware suppliers and the hardware available is very expensive. Network simulation appears a good solution to validate the different elements that made up a QKD service (network algorithm or protocol), to save a lot of money and time in creating a testbed and to start becoming familiar with this technology. The simulators are different levels of simulation (optical layer, the key distribution service, ...). Read more...
Jun 25, 2021
Orchestration, Automation and Virtualisation: Focusing on the user
A successful digital transformation entails flexibility, efficiency, and self-service provisioning. In other words, a user-centric approach, which implies the usage of Orchestration, Automation and Virtualisation techniques (OAV). The OAV team in GN4-3 created several resources to help the NRENs in their journey to this digital transformation through OAV (Training, Wiki, Terminology, Blueprint, Mapping of Architectures for NRENs..) The goal of this session is to gather ideas for future work, presenting the existing resources together with use cases from the NRENs. The BoF is an opportunity for NRENs to come together to agree on common actions. Read more...
Jun 18, 2021
P4 and Data Plane Programming BoF held at TNC21
People from many different teams and organisations from Europe, North and South America took part in the “P4 and Data Plane Programming BoF” organised as part of the TNC21 conference.
Position papers as well several explored use cases were presented:
- RARE - Frédéric Loui (RENATER)
- GEANT P4 Lab - Jordi Ortiz (University of Murcia)
- PolKA - Cristina Klippel Dominicini and Rafael Guimarães (Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo (IFES) Brazil) [Research Scholar Program 2021 award recipients in network category]
- In-band Network Telemetry - Mauro Campanella (GARR)
- ESNET - Yatish Kumar (ESNET)
- Packet Broker - Alex Gall (SWITCH)
- P4 and Intelligent Data Plane - Harvey Newman (Caltech)
- Signature-based Traffic Classification and Mitigation for DDoS Attacks using Programmable Network Data Planes - Marinos Dimolianis (NTUA)
This BoF further confirmed the strong interest of the research & education community in data plane programming (DPP) and in particular the P4 language. DPP is clearly an important enabler for innovation but also a concrete and performant solution to practical R&E use cases.
Slide material can be found at the event page at https://events.geant.org/event/748/ and you can access the recording of this BoF at https://youtu.be/bzihPXlQWM8.
Apr 28, 2021
Tools for Campus Network Management as a Service (CNaaS)
Several European NRENs have started offering Campus Network Management as a Service (CNaaS) to their connected institutions. This Infoshare includes presentations of tools that some NRENs are using to offer the service, for monitoring, configuration management, etc. Read more...
Apr 14/15, 2021
2nd European perfSONAR User Workshop
The Second European perfSONAR User Workshop is a sequel to the 2019 inaugural workshop in London and again brings together perfSONAR user and developer communities to explore use cases for the toolkit, to share best practices, and to discuss future features and the perfSONAR development roadmap. Read more...
Mar 24, 2021
Workshop on Network Management and Monitoring Tools
This is a sequel to the 1st NEMMO workshop held in Copenhagen in 2019, this workshop brings together network operators, researchers and other members of the GÉANT and NREN community interested in network monitoring and management tools, to present and discuss the future development of network monitoring platforms. Read more...
Mar 17, 2021
Quantum Key Distribution - Practical Implementations, Challenges, R&E Use Cases and Standardisation outlook
This second Infoshare focuses on the first use case of quantum communication: Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Key Distribution. In this first use case, the NREN community can play an important role by demonstrating how Quantum Key Distribution can be implemented in a production network context and a wide range of use cases. Read more...
Mar 9, 2021
European Time and Frequency Services - Principles, Challenges and Use Cases
"Time & Frequency (T&F)" transport as an optical service has become a hot topic for the past ten years, mainly boosted by a dramatic improvement in performance. National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) in collaboration with NRENs have demonstrated three orders of magnitude higher stability of time and frequency services than any existing commercial service over distances of at least 1,500 km, offering tremendous potential for new services in a wide range of scientific, societal and economic domains. Read more...
Mar 2, 2021
Deploying In-band Network Telemetry (INT) on R&E Networks
This GÉANT Infoshare presents the results to date from the development work and tests of In-band Network Telemetry (INT) performed by the data plane programming (DPP) team in WP6 T1 of the GÉANT GN4-3 project. Read more...
Feb 25, 2021
22nd Service and Technology Forum
Presentations include "In-Band Network Telemetry" (Mauro Campanella (GARR)) and "WP6 News" (Tim Chown (Jisc)). Read more...
Jan 26, 2021
13th SIG-NOC Meeting
Presentations include "Telemetry and Big Data" (Tim Chown, Jisc) and "LoLa" (Claudio Allocchio, GARR). Read more...
Jan 20, 2021
Quantum Technologies - Principles, Challenges and Applications
This event is the first in a series of Infoshares dedicated to QKD technology in detail; there is also a presentation of quantum initiatives all over Europe and worldwide. Read more...
Dec 16, 2020
Orchestration, Automation and Virtualisation in the NRENs. Ready, Steady, Go!
The increasing usage of data cloud services, IoT and new network services is accelerating the usage of automation and orchestration on all levels. Some NRENs started the journey to automation a long time ago. Is your NREN prepared for it? Read more...
Dec 9, 2020
Data Transfer Nodes: How Fast can your Data Travel?
Some research projects need to move huge amounts of data. Using a desktop computer and the regular network to do it may not be the right option to get the best performance. Setting up a DTN node is not always straightforward: there are different types of software, some parameters need to be tuned in the servers, distances reduce the performance in TCP. Read more...
Nov 25, 2020
How to Benefit from Network Management as a Service (NMaaS)
NMaaS (Network Management as a Service) is a GÉANT production service offering a portfolio of well-known network management applications run on a per-user, secured, cloud-based network monitoring infrastructure. The deployment of the new monitoring application instance takes only a few clicks in a web-based portal and just a few minutes. Read more...
Nov 10, 2020
1st GÉANT Telemetry and Big Data Workshop
The workshop has the objective to collect production-level experience on telemetry, the use of very large amounts of monitoring data, their sharing and current efforts on actual use cases. Another goal is to assess the community's interest in and the validity of telemetry approaches and challenges in the use of the large amounts of monitoring information which current networks have to deal with. Read more...
Nov 5, 2020
Measuring WiFi and eduroam Network Performance with WiFiMon
WiFiMon, a WiFi network monitoring and performance verification system, is a new GÉANT service. It is capable of detecting performance issues, visualising the workload of the network, and providing technical information about the WiFi network (e.g. signal strength, link quality, bit rate, etc.). WiFiMon leverages well-known performance verification tools like Akamai Boomerang and Speedtest/Libretest and in addition uses data from the WiFi physical layer in order to gather a comprehensive set of WiFi network performance metrics. It combines crowdsourced measurements and measurement data obtained from small form hardware probes. Read more...
Oct 26, 2020
21st STF - (Virtual) Meeting, October 2020
Update on WP6 activities (RARE, NMaaS, WiFiMon).
Oct 7, 2020
Offering Campus Network Management as a Service: Challenges and Lessons Learnt
Several European NRENs have started offering Campus Network Management as a Service (CNaaS) to their connected institutions, either because the end-institutions or the governments have requested them to do it. Defining the new model, automating the infrastructure and sharing the management are some of the new challenges to solve. Read more...
Sept 14/15, 2020
Orchestration, Automation and Virtualisation (OAV) in GÉANT
Maria Isabel Gandia, Sonja Filiposka (19'), pre-recorded presentation at the Global Network Advancement Group (GNA-G) Meeting. Read more...
June 23, 2020
12th SIG-NOC Meeting via VC
"New normality" and follow up on what became our new tools and processes. Read more...
Mar 25, 2020
11th SIG-NOC meeting via VC - extraordinary edition
Continued NOC operations in the face of a pandemic. COVID-19: Concerns, common problems and experiences at the NOC. Read more...
Mar 4/5, 2020
Zagreb, Croatia
Performance Management Workshop
The Network Technologies and Services Evolution work package of the GÉANT GN4-3 project organised a workshop on Performance Management in Zagreb on 4th-5th March 2020, directly after the 19th STF meeting on the 3rd and 4th March at the same venue. Read more...
Mar 3/4, 2020
Zagreb, Croatia
19th STF (Service & Technology Forum) Meeting
Face to face meeting of NREN APMs or nominated deputies, hosted by CARNET in Zagreb. Read more...
Feb 4/5, 2020
Ljubljana, Slovenia
GÉANT Project Symposium
Tim Chown, Ivana Golub, WP6 Deeper Dive - Network Services, Ljubljana, February 4-5, 2020, (agenda) (slides). Read more...
Jan 15/16, 2020
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
4th SIG-NGN (Next Generation Networking for Science) Meeting
SIG-NGN is the Special Interest Group on Next Generation Networks. This meeting is the fourth meeting of the SIG and hosted by CERN in Geneva. Read more...
Dec 9-12, 2019
New Orleans, LA, USA
Automation, Orchestration and Virtualisation in European NRENs
I. Golub, Internet2 Technology Exchange 2019 (TechEx 2019).
Nov 13/14, 2019
Prague, Czech Republic
10th SIG-NOC Meeting
Keeping the competitive edge in the NREN community. Learn how your colleagues are working with the latest tools, processes and people as the results from the SIG-NOC survey are presented and discussed. In addition to this the meeting focuses on Campus Network as a Service, Monitoring tools and automation. Read more...
Oct 29, 2019
Network technologies (WP6)
GÉANT GN4-3 WP6 Infoshare: Overview of the WP6 activity on Network Technologies and Services Development for the General Assembly Members. Read more...
Oct 21/22, 2019
Copenhagen, Denmark
Workshop on Network Management and Monitoring (NEMMO)
Faced with challenges to maintain an appropriate level of existing ICT services and to adopt new ones, many end institutions (e.g., university campuses, schools, etc.) in different European countries have started to ask NRENs to manage parts of their ICT infrastructure (wired LAN, WiFi, some specific services). Read more...
June 20, 2019
OAV Side Meeting (BoF)
TERENA Networking Conference (TNC19), Tallin, Estonia, June 20, 2019. Read more...
May 9, 2019
GN4-3 Future Service Strategy Workshop, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
This workshop aims to get NREN strategic level guidance, feedback and build a consensus on GÉANT Network and Cloud Service Evolution. NREN survey (pdf), NREN survey summary results (pdf). Read more...
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